Monday, August 16, 2010

New RNC Ad Is A Classic!


  1. It felt so weird not to see "Jib Jab!" at the end of that.

  2. RNC, RNC...

    Royal Newfoundland Constabulary?
    Radio Network Controller?
    Randy Naked Chicks?

    It rings a bell, but I'm not remembering...

  3. As soon as I got to this paragraph, any respect I might have had for Weisberg's opinion on anything was gone:

    "There is little doubt Mr Obama appreciates that limits on the size and scope of government are a fundamental aspect of liberalism. Like Mr Clinton, Mr Obama is properly classed as a centrist, with a preference for private-sector solutions and no taste for populist grandstanding. . ."

    Obama has no concept whatsoever of any limitation on government action or power. His theory is the same as Pelosi's, who when asked where in the Constitution they were finding authorization for the medical monstrosity they passed this summer, responded 'Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me?'

    As to being a centrist, yeah, I suppose, if you define the center as somewhere between Hugo Chavez and Mao Zedong.
