Sunday, July 25, 2010

Goodbye Blanche

My esteemed senator took to the airwaves the other day to chat about a handful of issues important to Arkansans. Blanche Lincoln had this to say about the tens of thousands of Tea Party voters here in the Natural State:

“I think there are some people out there who are very concerned about our country and I don’t disagree with them,” said Lincoln. We are faced with a lot of challenges right now. And they want to see us being productive. They want to see us in Washington working harder to solve problems. But you don’t solve problems through hate and anger and rudeness. And there are some of them out there that are taking those courses. They are using new types of media, whether it’s YouTube or Facebook to distort people’s record and to try to create controversy over things that shouldn’t be controversial. Or in some case, just try to tear people down.”

Ah Blanche, what a hoot you are!  I'm gonna miss you when you're gone.  Let me take time out from "tearing people down" to help you pack your bags...or would that be rude?

Gee, that's a lot of luggage!  100 days until the election, and counting.


  1. In other local news, the Republicans passed a platform after first chasing each other around the circus tent. Somedays, I despair. How hard is it to READ something before you vote on it?

    At least they got it right in the end. Geez.

    /shaking head sadly

  2. Lady Red, it might be that the proposed platform was submitted to the delegates ahead of time -- giving them opportunity to read it in advance. I think it's called "doing your homework."

    As for Blanche, isn't funny that when the left riots and loots it is exercising their Freedom of Speech. When the right peacefully, but strongly, disagrees with the way Democrats want to do something, the right-wingers do it through "hate and anger and rudeness."

    As for having seeing "Washington work harder to solve problems," why doesn't Washington just get out of the way? Most of the problems they are trying to fix are problems they caused to begin with.

  3. The latest Rasmussen poll shows Lincoln down by 25 points to her Republican challenger.

  4. Matt, they didn't have a final copy of all the revisions, yet it was still called to a vote. Thank goodness some of them objected.

    DWT, yeah, she's toast.
