Sunday, July 25, 2010

Tom Tancredo On Barry Obama - The Gloves Come Off

Tom Tancredo, in The Washington Times.
The case for impeachment?

"For the first time in American history, we have a man in the White House who consciously and brazenly disregards his oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution. That's why I say the greatest threat to our Constitution, our safety and our liberties, is internal. Our president is an enemy of our Constitution, and, as such, he is a danger to our safety, our security and our personal freedoms."

I really don't want to see yet another impeachment fiasco.  That, I think, would push the US ever-further down the path to a third-world government wherein it seems each administration goes directly from power to indictment, or worse.

What I do want to see is a big enough change in the congress to prevent further erosion of the nation until such time as we can get rid of Barry, and then repeal all the unconstitutional 'laws' that he and his party have passed.

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