Sunday, July 25, 2010

Maybe Barry Will Sue Laredo, Next

Multiple sources are reporting (and confirming) that heavily-armed Los Zetas drug thugs have crossed from Mexico into Texas, taking over at least two ranches, there.

So, now they have observation outposts in a national park, and an armed enclave on private property.

One Texas law-enforcement official is calling it an act of war.
Really, ya think?


  1. The story has been debunked by Bob Owens. He picked up the phone and called the Laredo PD and the sheriff's department. Operations are normal; there is no siege and no invasion.

  2. Don't know who Bob Owens is, but from what I read in the three sites I went to, the story was confirmed by the Laredo PD, as well.

    That being said, I hope it is not true.

  3. OK, now I know who Bob Owens is, but even in the comments on his post, there are those who link other sites which still continue to claim that something is happening, WITH attendant confirmations.

    'There shall be war, and rumors of war'

  4. This becomes ever more fun!

    Another of the Breitbart sites (Big Peace) reports the story as confirmed, and adds a link to yet another news site.

    While comments on both of these sites (as well as others) go both ways in the argument.

  5. OK, all reports of this incident seem to originate with a single person, who, even though she may have the trust of some who know her, does not seem to provide sufficient corroborating evidence.

    So for now it appears that this is rumor, and nothing more.

  6. I remember Jack Anderson reporting in 1982 that the Mexican Army crossed into California.
