Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Geography Of A Recession

An interesting little video that charts the change in unemployment rates between January 2007, and June 2010.

Please note that one of the very few places where unemployment does not increase is the area around Washington, DC.


  1. Also note for the DC area: my property values have gone up significantly.

    As in, my house is now worth 37% more than when we bought it in 2008 (when things first collapsed). It is worth about 100,000$ less than what they were selling for at the height, but no one else's houses are regaining ground at this rate.

    I figure people think that the government's not getting any smaller, so real estate here is a sound investment.

  2. afw - awesome trade! I wish I'd thought to buy some DC property in '08...

    Glad it's working out for you and afg.

    Meanwhile Portland continues to bleed jobs.

  3. It's Bush's fault!


    afw, that's great news that your property value has increased - from all your remodeling, no doubt. As our realtor would say "instant equity!".

    Now where's that rolling eye emoticon...(that's a direct quote from her when our purchase appraisal came in 10K over what we paid).

  4. Now hopefully we'll find renters who won't trash the place when we move...

    Anyway, another thing we have going for us is that there will be a metro stop opening within walking distance of our house in a few years. That's gonna raise prices here.

    But, yeah, even though stuff here took a good tumble, it's coming back fairly strong. Like I said, I'm pretty sure it's because of the government. We got lucky, I guess.
