Sunday, July 25, 2010

Now Why Don't We Have This As Our Model Health-Care System?

Oh, wait, we do.

The Daily Telegraph details massive cuts in patient care needed to bring Britain's National Health System out of the red.

"Katherine Murphy, of the Patients Association, said the cuts were “astonishingly brutal” and expressed particular concern at moves to ration operations such as hip and knee operations.

“These are not unusual procedures, this is a really blatant attempt to save money by leaving people in pain,” she said.

“Looking at these kinds of cuts, which trusts have drawn up in such secrecy, it particularly worries me how far they disadvantage the elderly and the vulnerable.

‘‘We cannot return to the days of people waiting in pain for years for a hip operation or having to pay for operations privately.”

She added that it was “incredibly cruel” to draw up savings plans based on denying care to the dying."

A look at the (very near) future of American health care.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, never noticed before that there is a difference in the quotation marks between what I've typed and within the actual quote.

    A nice feature actually.
