Saturday, July 3, 2010

Glenn Beck University

I'm telling you, the man is a money machine.  Isn't capitalism grand?  Check out the comments after the article.  I couldn't help but giggle...exploding heads as far as the eye can see!


  1. I admit that I rarely watch (or listen to) Beck these days. He tends to repeat the same material ad nauseum.

    However, I do think it's hilarious that he's so successful. I guess I have more faith in my fellow man than the liberal blockheads commenting on the CBS article; I don't think Beck's fans are stupid or gullible.

    I also think it's fantastic that Beck encourages people to learn our history for themselves. Goodness knows you won't get that information from an "approved" textbook.

    I don't find Beck any more "over the top" than the liberals on CNN; he's just a better communicator, and a much better marketer.

  2. "Everything he says is either lies or b......"

    Beck quotes chapter and verse. He tells you his sources. He backs up what he says. But "everything he says is either lies or b......" Whereas the left is caught constantly making stuff up, they manipulate their information so it says what they want it to say. This is clearly shown to be the case, but the left is telling us the truth?

    Uh huh.

  3. I'm already a fan of Glenn but I like him even more because the looney left gets so bent out of shape over him, lol!!!
