Sunday, June 20, 2010

Goodbye, Helen

Rabbi Nesenoff has written an interesting column in the Washington Post, expounding on his reaction to his impromptu Helen Thomas interview.  Says the good rabbi:

She didn't say that the blockade was unjust, or that aid was not getting to Gaza, or that there was a massacre on the high seas, or that East Jerusalem is occupied, or that the settlements are immoral . . . and get out and go back to West Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa and Eilat. No. This was not the two-state solution. This was get the hell out and go back to the places of the final solution, Poland and Germany. The Jew has no connection with the land of Israel.
And why? Because, as Thomas went on to explain to me, "I'm from Arab descent." That's it? That's all you got? Do we all travel with only our parents' stereotypes to guide us, never going beyond them to get to a peaceful destination?

Nesenoff's calm and heartfelt assessment of the interview highlights why he is a respected rabbi.  Thomas, a child of immigrants, has lived the quintessential American dream, but yet chosen to embrace a mindless, corrosive hatred because... it's her ancient tribal tenet.  It's disturbing that a college educated American woman could cling to such animosities, spewing vitriol like an old camel spitting her cud.  Our country, and the world, are a better place now that she's been put out to pasture.

1 comment:

  1. "And why? Because, as Thomas went on to explain to me, "I'm from Arab descent." That's it? That's all you got? Do we all travel with only our parents' stereotypes to guide us, never going beyond them to get to a peaceful destination?....yet chosen to embrace a mindless, corrosive hatred because... it's her ancient tribal tenet."

    If you get nothing else from this post, get the items quited above. A better description I could not write about what I hear everyday....ignorance locking up the minds of otherwise decent people...making them all prey to fanatics who seek power for themselves through dogmatism. It is tribalism at the utmost.
