Sunday, June 20, 2010

The TCKT Men Rock!


  1. The animation is cute.

    Thanks Lady Red - for Dad's Day, Gus is coming over, then the whole family is going out to eat at a local steakhouse.

    Unfortunately, I was not informed of this until I had already consumed most of a 'not gonna eat for the rest of the day' breakfast of hot sausage, home-fried potatoes and melted bleu cheese.

  2. Yes, thanks lr, and Happy Father's Day to Matt, my sweet husband and wonderful father to his son Ken.

  3. And to all the other TCKT father's, Noah, Dances, Aridog, Jourdan, AFG and any I missed xxx

  4. And my boy called me today and we had a nice chat for 45 minutes.

    Love it!

  5. Yes, I want to wish the dads here a very happy Father's Day - DWT, Aridog, Matt, lewy (I think he's a dad but not positive), all are the best.

    As with Fay & Matt, both our dads are gone so we feel a little sad today but I'm grateful to have so many intelligent, fine men friends on the blog.

  6. afg too! Don't want to forget him!!

  7. hi flo - my own father is gone as well; I had occasion today to reminisce with a friend about our fathers (both gone) and discuss parenting.

    My friend has two fine sons - as for myself, my only "daughter" has fur, whiskers and four paws. And a tail. But all told, the guys in my close circle of friends have five boys between them, and I have seen them all since they were infants, and count them all as my nephews.

    Best dad story I heard last week - another friend (actually my room mate from college) delivered this line to his ten year old son...

    What do you mean, "you can't make me" - of course I can "make you" - I'm your father, I make you do stuff. It's what I do.

    Which elicited laughter, as well as compliance. Pitch perfect.

  8. I lost my father in December, but I'm fortunate to have a wonderful stepdad. He's beed a "dad" to me since I was in my early twenties.

    Also, we don't want to forget Old Iron!

    Matt, it's great that you're so close to your boy. I hope he realizes how lucky he is to have you!

  9. Er, "beed" = been (we all know how close "n" and "d" are on the keyboard. I blame HP.) b-(

    More coffee!

  10. Lewy, LOL! I'll share that with Noah; it's a great line he can use on our granddaughter. :)

  11. Happy belated fathers day.

    Now when is Hallmark going to market an Uncles Day.

    Fricking exhausted here 'cause of the nephews....(who am I kidding, I loved every minute of it. Got 'em to go off the diving board :-) )

    I'll stop now 'cause I'll be rambling on about them for hours.

  12. "He's beed a "dad" to me since I was in my early twenties."

    I thought you were just stuffed up with a cold...

    tee hee

    lewy, I love that dad story!

    RWC, yes, we definitely need and aunts and uncles day, I'm sure were have one someplace.
