Friday, June 4, 2010

Aging White House "Reporter" Belches Dust And Animosity

I pity Helen Thomas. It can't be a pleasant life, living with such hate and bitterness. It's sad, really.

Perhaps now they'll put her out to pasture, and the White House Press Corps can fill her slot with an actual journalist.

If they can find one.


  1. Fucking bitch. My blood is boiling.

    Why is she allowed to get away with saying that? What outrage would there be if she said that Obama should go back to Africa?

    Rot in hell, bitch.

  2. Helen Thomas is just saying out loud what a big chunk of the Eastern Establishment works hard to talk around in public but will whisper in private.

    It's a good thing that Helen Thomas rips the mask off.

  3. The other Helen (Menelaus' wife) launched a thousand ships. This one would have sunk the fleet. Sigh!

    For discussion of the "helen," related units of pulchritude and the "negahelen," go to

    Best -- TA

  4. She is doing nothing more than showing, as Lewy said, the standard bias of the left.

    Perhaps she thinks that, since she is likely to drop dead at any second, she can say what others fear to?

    In any case, given her age, I would think she would still remember when the Jewish diaspora began, as they were forced out of Israel (not Palestine!) by the overwhelming might of the Romans.

    Or perhaps it is just her incipient Alzheimers?

    In any case, the best thing helen could do for the press, America, Israel and the world in general is to retire and write a book that no-one will read.

  5. OK, TA. That was interesting - had never yet seen a formula for 'beauty' that delved into such nautical detail.

  6. As an aside TA, it is very difficult to comment at your site. I made one,(actually two, counting typos) as one of my many online pseudonyms.

    But now I seem unable to find a way to add to your most recent thread.

  7. I agree with what Fay said in comment #2, I couldn't put it better than that.

  8. Although I love Dances comment:

    "In any case, the best thing helen could do for the press, America, Israel and the world in general is to retire and write a book that no-one will read."

  9. Apologies, Dances. Should work better now. Let me know if problem continues. There's a "mailto" link at the upper right -- TA

  10. Thomas has apologized for her outburst, but she has a long history of hatin' on teh Jews. This wasn't an isolated incident.

    Ari Fleischer is calling for her head. Good luck with that.

  11. Michelle Malkin: "Helen Thomas Should Go Back to Mordor or the Star Wars Cantina"

