Sunday, July 17, 2011

RIP Solus Rex


A bright light went out of the world.

Gregory died today, no details as yet although he had been very sick for quite some time.


  1. What?

    OMG, no. Oh dear God, SR. I am so sorry.

    Fay, are there any services planned?

    Please email me at kevinv12000 at the gmail domain.

    I'm so, so sorry.

  2. I just heard the heartbreaking news. I am stunned, even though I knew he had been sick.

    Solus, I will miss you with all of my heart.

  3. The last comment I could find from Solus was from last Tuesday evening:

    "Well, I do hope that a wide range of opinions is welcomed here. Including strong ones."

    That is the spirit I hope continues at the Table. We are friends here, even when we disagree. You all mean a great deal to me. Let us celebrate this friendship in Solus's honor.

  4. Sweet Baby Jesus.

    I did not know he was sick.

    Oh, there is just nothing to say.

    Does he have family or anyone we could send condolences to?

  5. Let us celebrate this friendship in Solus's honor.

    Yes. He would like that. I wish I could hug all of you.

  6. I don't have any more details right now Kevin, his cousin was the one who let all his FB friends know and she said that she would be talking to her aunt (Gregory's mother). I will pass on any more info as it comes through.

  7. Solus' cousin will be sending more details after she visits with family. We'll pass them along to everyone.

    This is a sad day.

  8. Dances, did you have Solus as a FB friend? If so you can post on his wall, his cousin has made the announcement there.

    If I hear anything else I'll let everyone know.

  9. Thanks for the update, Fay.



  10. Like lady red said, I too will miss solus with all of my heart.

    He was an inspiration, had a wicked sense of humor and wit, and such a great mind. I learned so much from him. Rest in peace, Gregory, we will never forget you.

  11. That is the spirit I hope continues at the Table. We are friends here, even when we disagree. You all mean a great deal to me. Let us celebrate this friendship in Solus's honor.

    You're right, Matt. I think he'd like that as well and I hold you all dear to my heart.

  12. I'm so very sorry to hear this news. I mostly knew Solus from the other place and was elated to have him come here to comment. How very sad.


  13. This is awful! I had no idea he was so sick. I thought he was on the road to recovery. I only had a limited acquaintance with Solus through here and the old place, and the occasional word on FB, and now I regret not being able to get to know him better.

    RIP. May his memory be for a blessing.

  14. I did not know Solus well, but this is indeed sad news. Prayers to his family. Yes I was happy to see him post here.

  15. Very sad; very, very sad.

    I remember that Solus was one of the people who came to our evil blond daughter's First Communion when we didn't have any local family and we had just moved to the area.

    It's a very precious memory of mine - that so many people who only knew me from Adam because we talked politics and cheese online came to make my daughter feel surrounded by love on such an important right of passage - and that so many people who didn't even share our religion came to celebrate with us.

    I will miss him. And annie - I've never seen that before, but it is so fitting. I'd also like to say, "May his memory be for a blessing."

  16. Yes, may his memory be for a blessing.

  17. AFW, I remember seeing a picture of that blessed's the only picture of Gregory that I have in my memory.

    Isn't it amazing how technology has enabled us to have friendships that never would have been possible before...

  18. I remember it too. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see the picture before solus and afg's faces were blurred.

    IIRC, Stormi, Jefe, solus and Frank were there. I wish I had gotten to meet him in person.

  19. Wow. Although I had never met Solus, I feel I had known him for quite some time (and through a couple changes of venue). I certainly don't comment much, but I do read TCKT nearly every day, and was delighted when he started posting here.

    Rest in Peace, Solus Rex. I'm thankful to have known you.

  20. AWF, your daughter was certainly blessed by the presence of such a fine person.

  21. When a young voice is silenced and life gone, it is always sad. It's an event I've witnessed too often in my life, even virtually, it hurts. I'd heard he was ill but thought he'd recovered. I agree with Annie and AFW ... "May his memory be for a blessing."

  22. If there is a way we can send flowers, as a group or individually, or a donation Solus would have liked. If is possible to know.

  23. Luther, I have asked all these questions of his cousin. As soon as I receive a response I will post an update here.

  24. I remember that picture and am glad I saw it.

  25. afw: Does Jefe know? Should I email him?

  26. Damn, indeed. Bitter news.

    I am richer for having known solus rex, and his memory is a blessing for me now and always.

    I was so happy to have him join us. I will miss him terribly.

  27. Thank you. Fay.

    Lewy. Yes, a thousand times yes.

  28. Fay - I'm not sure if he does, but it would probably be good to let him know if you have his email address.

  29. I'm so sorry to hear this. :-(

    I am really going to miss his graciousness in debate, wit and keen intellect that seemed to encompass pretty much everything. It sounds trite to say "I learned so much from him", but it's true. How often do you have the privilege of casual interaction with a brilliant mind on a variety of subjects over a number of years?

    I am a different person than I would have been because of time shared with him over pixels, and will always be grateful for the opportunity to know him, even in a limited way.

    My heartfelt condolences to his family and those of you who knew him more fully.

  30. Baruch Dayan HaEmet.

    Wow. I had no idea he was ill or anything about this until I got annie's e-mail.

    I will also miss his wit, intelligence and passion.

    Yehi zichro baruch.

  31. This is dreadful news. He had a keen mind, and I always enjoyed reading both his thoughtful, gracious posts, and his thread links.

    My deepest condolences to his family; I shall miss him. RIP, Solus Rex.

  32. Life is really too short..
    "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
    I'll always remember your good opinion. RIP Solus Rex.

  33. Hello, Joem - a sad occasion, but a blessing to see you here.

  34. Hi, guys... like a lot of you, I had no idea at all that Greg was even sick, although he and I were in touch on Facebook.

    The last extended conversation I had with him on FB, right around the July 4th weekend, was about the difficult art of finding le mot juste when translating juvenile potty humor between Russian and English.

    It was the brilliant erudition leavened with an appreciation for profanity that I always loved about Solus...

  35. It's good to see so many old friends gathered here today.

    Hugs to everyone...

  36. Ditto what Lady Red said! Good to see familiar "faces."

    As I mentioned on FB, I have been experiencing severe "rolling brownout" problems with DSL connectivity for the past week or so (I like to believe that the ghosts of deceased rats are nibbling on the phone wires in my building).

    My Web access suddenly "came back on" two minutes ago, so I'm hoping this will post successfully.

  37. "It's good to see so many old friends gathered here today."

    I agree lady red.

    Unfortunately I have not heard back from Solus' cousin (I'm sure she is consumed with grief and family right now) so I have no more info to pass on at this time.

  38. And yes, I agree with DWT, it is a blessing to see you here joem.

  39. Hello, Throbert, I've wondered about how you are doing.

  40. I don't know who placed the wonderful memorial in the sidebar...thank you so much! I hope you don't mind that I added Joem's Hebrew prayer to the caption (it was the lovely Fay's suggestion, and I too thought it would be a fitting tribute).

    Life goes on, but our friend Solus Rex will never be forgotton. There will always be a special place in our hearts for him. Always.

  41. Hi joem and Throbert, good to see both of you.

    Yes, thank you for that sidebar memorial...

  42. I was looking for a traditional sun face picture to put into the thread, but when I saw that setting sun picture, it hit me as the perfect thing to remember him by.

    The caption originally just said 'In Memorium' but then I saw Annie's saying about his memory as a blessing, and changed it.

    And I certainly do not mind that you added Joem's prayer.

  43. Thank you, Dances. And Annie's words and Joem's Hebrew version are fine. FIne indeed.

    It is also good to see Joem and Throbert here as well. May peace be upon us.

  44. I can provide a little context on solus's nom de blogue... it's a chess problem - the lone king.

    Apparently, there's even a T-shirt!

    Also - Solus Rex is the name of a chapter in an eponymous and unfinished novel by Nabokov - his last work in Russian - see here and here. I don't know for sure that he referenced this work with his pseudonym but I have to believe he was aware of it.

  45. Thanks lewy, I didn't know about the chess problem.

    I think he chose it from the unfinished chapter. Arguably, I believe Nabokov was his favorite author.

    I have a picture he posted several times at DL; I'll post it here for him down the road a bit.

  46. I recall some time ago (perhaps when he first switched to SR) he had clarified that "solus" was "lone". I did not know the reference to chess until I checked out his blogger profile (he has a photo of a black king piece.
    OTOH, I agree that SR certainly would have been aware of the chapter in Nabokov's book, so perhaps his nic had the convenience of referring to both.

  47. Oh, of course, his profile picture. I have no idea what "Q" stood for.

    Solus was a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. I think he liked it that way.

  48. I forget. What was SR's nic, before SR?

  49. Ah hell, I'm a dummy. Was it 'Q'?

  50. Yes, Q it was. It took me a while to think of him as SR instead.

    I had always associated the name Q with the James Bond character, though we may never know why SR has chosen it.

  51. Thanks, Alphie. Another question that I can't seem to dredge the answer from memory, perhaps because it doesn't exist. Did 'Q' comment at LGF in the early days? Pre Charles going BSB days I mean. (BSB=BatShitBoinkers)

  52. I'm not entirely sure, but I believe that he did. IIRC, I started posting there in the early fall of 2004 and Q was already there at the time. Of course, someone else with much better memory may know otherwise.

  53. Hmm, now I feel a bit foolish, as I thought that Solus Rex was Latin for Sun King.

    Had I known the origin in chess I would probably have opted for a picture of a black king tipped over as the memorial picture.

    Although on further thought, I would not have chosen that, as a tipped king is a sign of giving up, and I really don't think there was any measure of that in Solus

  54. Yes, Q was posting at LGF in the early days; I think I'd found my way there by 2003 (maybe even earlier; I can't remember now - I lurked for more than a year before I started commenting, and even then wasn't very active). I'm pretty sure I remember him being there when I started reading there.

    And DWT, don't feel bad about the Sun King thing - I actually teased him using that interpretation of his nic once, and he graciously didn't correct my lack of Latin savy. I was rather embarrassed when I found out on my own a little later...

  55. I think the photo is perfect, regardless.

  56. Having an ummm... different scholastic history than most, and consequently knowing perhaps one word of Latin if I thought hard, and that, even though I was for years friends with and roommate of a fluent and frequent speaker of same who was always keeping his game up by explanation of Latin root to English words. I'd say, Dances, that your original interpretation made perfect sense.

    Okay, thanks, Alphie and Lyana. Good to know that my enfeebled memory isn't completely shot to hell.

    Dances, that was a fine tribute, the photo. I'm sure SR would have approved.

  57. Yes, Q was on LGF pretty early on. I remember how he used to flirt shamelessly with all the women (and we all lapped it up LOL).

    He went by King's Shadow for a while as well (when he was very sick).

  58. Ah... now that nic, 'King's Shadow', I definitely remember. Though again, I wonder from where SR derived it. I'll Bing.

    Also, I don't give myself credit. I do know at minimum, and forever, two words of Latin.

    Semper Fidelis.

  59. I only dug a few pages in, to results of a 'King's Shadow' search. So this is obviously not a conclusive search.

    But, here is what I found.

    "Illiterate, mutilated, and feared by the thralls, Evyn becomes known as Shadow. When he is sent to a monastery to be educated, his future is altered forever. After his return, he saves the life of Earl Harold and follows Harold, as his squire and later as his foster son, from Wessex to London and eventually to the Battle of Hastings, where he witnesses Harold's death.

    But who knows, now. We fear to ask, when we can. Fear to share when we should.

  60. Gregory was laid to rest on Wednesday 7/22 in a cemetery in NJ USA. He is not too far from my dad, Gregory's uncle.

    What my Aunt said was that he had incurred an infection from a procedure that was done on 7/1. Unfortunately he was not given any antibiotics at that time. He was given the antibiotics too late and in exorbitant dosages. The whole thing could have been avoided. the doctor called the day of the funeral saying that he needs to have him come in for the antibiotics because he forgot to give him them at the time of the procedure. Gregory was getting better he was becoming stronger and this happened. This is tragic and very unfortunate!! I am very sadden by this. We could have still had him here with us and continue to benefit from his intellect.

    Thank you Everyone your kind words mean a lot to me and my family. I will relate to my aunt all your fond memories and sweet words. I will give her a print out of this thread. I will try to find some photos and post them.

  61. Julia, thank you so much for sharing this with us. I am absolutely stunned that his death was preventable.

    You and your wonderful family have our deepest and most heartfelt sympathies. I'm so very sorry.

    We would all cherish any pictures you would like to share with us...

  62. Julia, thank you for coming here and commenting. Like lady red, I am even more saddened to learn that Greg's death could have been prevented. It's absolutely astounding.

  63. That is just devastating news. He had been through so much already, that is just horrible.

    Julia, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.


  64. RIP Solus. Gonna miss your strength.

  65. Hello, RWC! It's good to see you, even if it is a solemn occasion.
