Thursday, June 17, 2010

Crazy Goings-On Down in Arkansas


I think we should send the redhawks to investigate right away...


  1. OK, I did steal it from Drudge.


    But I needed a break from the BP hearings...

  2. You actually watched the BP hearings? I had more important things to do. Like wash my hair.

    I used to get all in an uproar whenever there were hearings, but then I watched some and realized that nothing ever comes out substantively during hearings. It's just a way for congressmen to puff up like they're all important and act like bitches.


    "You keep calling me ma'am. I would appreciate if you called me Senator, I think I've earned it."

  3. I'm too disgusted (and busy) to watch the BP hearings. It's just a contest to see who can get the best sound bite for the evening "news". Those a**holes don't give a whit about the Gulf, the people, or BP.

    A pox on all their houses.

  4. Florrie, I'm not sure what's up with all the heads in Little Rock. Was there a BP sticker on the box?


  5. "Was there a BP sticker on the box?"

    And were they rolling?

  6. "You actually watched the BP hearings? I had more important things to do. Like wash my hair."

    lol! Nah, I watched about 3 minutes, checked out the headlines and then went outside to work most of the day.

    The hearings they hold are pointless exercises in ego-inflation, IMO.

  7. The hearings they hold are pointless

    On my first scan of that, I read it as saying "the herrings they hold are pointless" LOL.

    I agree, I hate herrings and don't know what their point is at all!

  8. Ha! They might as well be holding herrings, Fay, for all the good that is accomplished.

  9. Meanwhile, in the real Washington, the dysfunction continues: today, the Washington Post has discovered that in a corner of Arlington Nat'l Cemetery, graves and headstones have been allowed to fall into such disrepair as to have flowing water and moss covering headstones.

    The Civil Service will investigate.

    Bah! Someone should be shot!

  10. Jourdan, it's actually worse than that. People THREW AWAY headstones where they thought they'd be out of the way.

    This Ain't Hell has some photos up that they've tried to decipher the names from in hopes that the person so dishonored can be identified and the situation made as "right" as possible.

    Not sure how "right" that can be...
