Wednesday, June 16, 2010

By Popular Demand (heh heh)

For those of you who missed it

here is the video and text of Obama's address to the nation.  I read it this morning (you can't make me watch the video, not for a million bucks) and must admit that I'm underwhelmed.  Where's the beef?

I'm not sure what good it does to call up 17,000 National Guard troops to help with the cleanup if there isn't a plan or even a strategy beyond "clean up the mess".  Empty threats to BP didn't impress me, either.  Cap 'n' Trade?  That's an oncoming freight train that's been barreling down the tunnel for quite some time, just waiting for a "crisis" to give it the green light. 

The president's speech conveyed weakness and desperation, not strength and competence. 

But hey, he's gonna wave his magic wand and plug the damn hole.  Soon.  Very soon!


  1. I didn't watch it either. I've had enough.

  2. And the approval ratings go down and down....teee heee :-P
