Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tuesday Evening Exploding Heads

Funny stuff!


  1. ROFLMAO!! Loved it! Especially the moonbats flying out of Pelosi's head.

  2. Hi florrie! Are you ready for President "can't suck it up with a straw" Obama's speech tonight?

    We've made popcorn, invited the neighbors, and dressed in our Sunday-go-to-meetin' clothes for this special event. I just can't wait! I'm so excited, aren't you?


    Well, it's either that or say "screw this crap" and go to bed early with a good book. I think Noah has a repair manual for our old Ford Bronco up on the top shelf. It's a real page-turner, and more relevant to my life than anything the Liar-In-Chief might say.


  3. I would live-blog his speech here, but the last time I tried that, it damn near killed me. Gawd awmighty.

    Plus, I'd rather eat the tomatoes than have you all throw them at me. ;))

  4. Your comment #3 said it perfectly, lady red. I'd just as soon play the nth game of zuma than watch the community organizer drone on and on...

  5. I can encapsulate for you though.

    1)I'm the president
    2)It's Bush's fault
    3) Cap & tax

  6. I can't bear to watch it, florrie. His idiotic bullshit has frayed my very last nerve.


  7. Yes, I feel exactly the same, lady red. Awful, isn't it?

  8. Lady Red said: "Aridog in 3..2..1"

    The phony Hick Savant (Ca-$hing a Ling) missed her calling. She'd have been perfect with Larry, Moe and Curly.

    My apologies to Larry, Moe and Curly.
