Thursday, June 17, 2010

Eat Your Heart Out Sean Penn

Colour me shocked. Kevin Costner appears to know a thing or two about what might help the BP clean up.

And if that fails, I'll just spend the rest of my life staring at his luscious handsomeness...


  1. Hmm...Hollywood actor...a real life solution...based on real science

    The parallel universe?

    It exists!

  2. I'm happy he's got the stuff to put behind his pontifications. That's a refreshing twist on the Hollywood chatter-box.

    But sorry, I just can't see Kevin Costner as luscious or handsome. I think I'm too wrapped up in the whole "obvious trained killer" category of attraction.

    Poor AFG was lamenting the wrinkles now showing up around his eyes and I had to reassure him that "Sniper Squint"* was wicked sexy.

    *AFG is not now and never has been a sniper. Although he's always been a VERY good shot, pistol and rifle. I should know the precise terms for this, but I'm still trying to get used to the switch from SPs (security police) to SFs (Security Forces). I also still refer to religious ed as CCD, which it hasn't been since 1967. I was born in 1974. Terminology and I aren't the best of friends.

  3. Oh - and just a general fact to throw out there.

    The Army ACU uniform does NOT use "velcro". It is "hook and loop fasteners", people.

    And I think the Air Force put the kibosh on switching to the blue uniforms that look like Starfleet Command. I think. PLEASE.

    Oh - I have successfully been able to make the Chow Hall/DFAC switch in my mind. Most of the time. Although the Air Force went from "cafeteria" to DFAC, I think. It would be totally in character. After all, we don't have barracks, we have "dorms."


  4. IOW, I'm happy he's offering a solution but I don't find him attractive either.

    ...although "No Way Out" was hawt :-)

  5. "I just can't see Kevin Costner as luscious or handsome."

    "I don't find him attractive either."

    Well, fine. Guess I'll just drool over here in the corner.




  6. Fay, I think you just have a better memory than most, and remember when he was actually a good-looking leading man type, rather than the character actor he so obviously is now.

  7. I liked "No Way Out", but Costner doesn't do a thing for me. Never has. "The Bodyguard" was horrible. No sizzle AT ALL.

    I guess you have him to yourself, Ms. Fay!

  8. The stair scene in "The Untouchables" was a direct ripoff from Eisenstein's "The Battleship Potemkin."

  9. Although I'm sure Mr. Costner had nothing to do with that.

  10. Although that was a good movie. Sean Connery was great.

  11. Oh, I have used my considerable power in the media to get TCM to show "The Battleship Potemkin" tonight (Sunday). Check out the Odessa Steps scene.

  12. RadioMattM has impressive skilz!

    tee hee

    I'll watch it, I've never seen it before.
