Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Different Man, Remembered

A long time ago, in Los Angeles, lived a guy named Kevin, who, truth be told, I hardly remember. Kevin wasn't much into politics, though he was definitely left-wing. His true loves were a girl named Sharon, Mexican food at El Cholo, a burger at Tommy's, the 9pm show at the Whisky-A-Go-Go, a night smoking Marlboro Lights in the back room at Canter's and the Los Angeles Lakers.

Especially the Los Angeles Lakers. Funny thing about this guy: he hated hockey, thought it stupid, an excuse for fighting, but he loved his basketball. He cheered every Michael Cooper 3-pointer, said "did you see that!??" every time Magic made a pass that seemed impossible, marveled at Worthy's almost-too-low dunks, and yelled like a maniac when the improbable Kurt Rambis took the court and kicked ass.

I don't know what ever happened to Kevin, but he is gone now, just a memory.

Except, tonight, after a long day, I checked the news and saw this, something I wasn't even aware of.

LOS ANGELES — These tests of trust have always been a challenge for Kobe Bryant — when to extend it, when to reel it back and most of all when to let the bonds carry him through the most important moments.

Bryant passed, and Ron Artest hit a 3-pointer. Bryant misfired, and Pau Gasol made things right. And finally, when time had run out and the ball was in his arms once more, Bryant leapt, confident his teammates would catch him.

Only then were the purple-and-gold streamers unleashed.

The Los Angeles Lakers fought from behind just about all night Thursday, finally overcoming the Boston Celtics in the final minutes to claim an 83-79 victory and successfully defend their N.B.A. title. The Lakers will soon raise a 16th championship banner, one shy of the Celtics’ record.

And, for an instant, a moment, I remembered that Kevin. He came back in a surge of emotion and I remembered his world, his hopes, dreams, his likes and dislikes, his views.

Growing older: an amazing gift from God that gives us wisdom and perspective.

Cheer on, Kevin, cheer on.

Your beloved Los Angeles Lakers have won one more, and, almost, have overtaken the ancestral enemy!


  1. Hmmm, I remember Kevin. He ain't been gone that long.

    Did you hear that the Habs traded Halak today?

  2. That is just plain nuts. Though this does prove two things that I have been saying for a bit: 1) solid goaltending is not the rare art goalies and their advisers say it is but is quite common among committed goalies, and 2) that the modern NHL does not recognize number 1 and will go to absurd lengths to prove that it isn't correct.

    But, damn. Exactly what does a goalie in the Habs organization need to do in order to prove his value? Deliver the Stanley Cup alone whilst standing on one's head?

    I wish Bobby Reboundo had half this guy's heart...
