Friday, June 18, 2010

Elton plays in Israel

"...Hand in hand went music and the rhyme
The Captain and the Kid stepping in the ring
From here on sonny sonny sonny, it's a long and lonely climb"

Captain Fantastic And The Brown Dirt Cowboy - Elton John, Bernie Taupin

"Ain't gonna stop me from coming here, baby,"

Maybe Elton is waking up, unlike many other artists that Israel's enemies are the enemies of gays and lesbians, and of the free world.


  1. Shame on Pixies and Elvis Costello and the like for their boycotts of Israel. Shows how ignorant people can be.

  2. Good for him! He's such a drama queen, I'm glad to see him using some common sense. I've always felt that many of the "stars" and "artists" are just sheep following the bleating leaders and thatprivately they may actually have a mind and opinion of their own.

  3. Wow. I might even have to give him the time of day again.

  4. He played at Rush Limbaugh's recent wedding ( many now?)

    Said the same thing there as well, that music bridges the and peace...yada yada.

    He will basically whore himself out to anyone willing to pay the one to two million he charges for every performance.

    His saving grace is that he donates the proceeds to his AIDS charity.

  5. Remember a few years back, when there was a big hoopla over homophobic lyrics in one (or more) of Eminem's songs? Elton made a point of doing a duet with him on national TV, and Eminem even hugged Elton when the song was over. I think Elton John is serious about bridging divides; he has the courage of his convictions (how many "stars" would even consider playing at Rush's wedding?), and like Fay said, he donates a big chunk of his income to AIDS research.

    Sir Elton is A-OK in my book. :)

  6. In the sidebar, lady red's comment #5 read ~

    Remember a few years back, when there was a big ho

    I thought she must be talking about Nancy Pelosi :-)

    And I agree with your take on Elton John, I honestly believe he has tried to bridge divides, good for him!! Unlike that putz, Barry Manilow, who would not appear on The View because of Elizabeth Hasselbeck's dangerous and offensiveviews.
    That's fine, Barry, I now find your music dangerous and offensive and won't bother to listen to it anymore.

    Go Elton.

  7. Florrie - you should have seen the Manilow store at Paris in Vegas. There were "fanilow" key chains.

    I was offended by those. I think that they are rip offs of the "Wayniac" theme. And Barry Manilow is no Wayne Newton.


  8. Manilow is most definitely NOT Wayne (best concert EVER) Newton.

    Fanilow? Bleh.

  9. Yes, I give the fanilows a yetch too!

    I haven't seen Wayne (I bet Fay has though :-) but I've always heard he puts on a great show.

  10. Sorry, but I've always called him Barely Manenough.

  11. No, I've never seen Wayne but then I've never been to Vegas.

  12. It was a huge disappointment to me that when I was in Vegas, Wayne wasn't.

    I know AFG loves me. I know this because he was willing to go to a Wayne Newton concert with me, without giving me any lip about it.

    I would have totally bought a Wayniac t-shirt.

  13. LOL Dances, I've never heard that before!

  14. Sorry, but I've always called him Barely Manenough.

    Dances, LMAO!!!!

  15. AFW, I have heard that many men have gone to the Wayne Newton Show to make their wives happy, and ended up enjoying the show more than the women did.
