Thursday, May 20, 2010

Look What I Learned, Mom!

Aww. Her folks must be SO proud!


  1. I almost feel sorry for the poor kid. Imagine paying for all those classes, working hard for a degree, and coming out stupid?

    Her parents should sue UCSD for gross incompetence and obtuse moonbattery. I wonder if anyone has ever sued a university over the quality of their kid's education? Anyone know?

  2. What a smug little creep, I'm glad David put her in her place. He understands her schtick better than most.

  3. "Grilla warfare" Tehe

    And why can't these nincompoops construct a sentence without using "like" and "right" every second word.

    Like it really get on my nerves, right?

  4. And why can't these nincompoops construct a sentence without using "like" and "right" every second word.

    *insert embarrassed face here*

    I do turn it off when speaking in a professional situation, though. And I've tried REALLY hard to turn it down in my everyday speech.

  5. So citizen soldiers in a brand new nation are the same as terrorist groups funded by oil-rich nations fighting a proxy war? Who knew that our Founding Fathers targeted innocent civilians and hid behind innocent civilians when they launched attacks. All this education over my morning oatmeal. What a bargin!
