Thursday, May 20, 2010

Arizona Fights Back

The great state of Arizona is refusing to be bullied by California liberals.  The Los Angeles city council is considering an economic boycott of Arizona over the immigration law recently signed by Governor Brewer.  Have Mayor Villaraigosa and his cohorts even read it?  Judging from the recent squawking and wing-flapping of other key liberal officials, I doubt it.

A member of the powerful Arizona Corporation Commission responded to the boycott threat with a threat of his own:  boycott our state, we take your power:

 "I am confident that Arizona's utilities would be happy to take those electrons off your hands," Pierce wrote. "If, however, you find that the City Council lacks the strength of its convictions to turn off the lights in Los Angeles and boycott Arizona power, please reconsider the wisdom of attempting to harm Arizona's economy."

It's so perfect that I'm grinning from ear to ear.  Who's afraid of California?  Not Arizona. 

Bring it.


  1. And don't forget the large amount of water that is collected from rivers in Arizona and piped to Southern Cal as well.

    Hmm, feeling a bit thirsty, as well as dark, LA?

  2. Good morning DWT! I'm LOL at your "thirsty and dark" comment; California would be in serious trouble without Arizona water. Do these guys ever think before they talk?

    Blogroll housekeeping: I deleted TNOYF, because Potfry's retired. I also deleted GoodSh*t, because florrie found porn there (I know Luther, you warned me! My fault...)

    I added "This Ain't Hell", a blog recommended by AFW.

  3. I *LOVE* this. I really do. Poetically perfect.


    It's like eating a box of Samoa cookies and getting no calorie gain.

  4. They aren't going to do it but I applaud Arizonans for fighting back.

    BTW, the CA law on immigration control is basically the same as AZ. CA just won't enforce it. Hypocritical idiots.

  5. Send the illegals to Berkeley, then let's see what song they sing.

  6. I don't know, Florrie, Arizon just might do it. Of course, California will take Arizona to court. Then maybe Arizona should just triple the price.

  7. Oh, and Berkely would welcome the illegals with open arms. And send the bill to the state and federal governments.

  8. Matt, I too think Arizona will stick to their guns. I'm glad they're fighting back against such stupidity.

    "It's like eating a box of Samoa cookies and getting no calorie gain. "

    LOL! Exactly, AFW! Exquisite perfection!

  9. The thing that pissed me off was the Dem's standing and applauding Calderon. What the hell right does he have to come to this country and lecture us on anything, any damn thing at all. I will give the man some credit for attempting to fight back against the endemic corruption in Mexico, the drug cartels, etc. But for him to criticize Arizona is just over the top BS. And for the Dem's to then applaud him, damn that drives me nuts.

    Do you guys mind my cussing? I mean, we are just sitting around the kitchen table, right?

  10. Hell yes we mind! Damn, Luther...

    /shaking head sadly



  11. Hahaha... okay, Lady Red. Just wanted to make sure.
