Thursday, May 20, 2010


The next time you encounter a law enforcement officer, it might be a good idea to offer your heartfelt thanks for serving and protecting us.

While you still can.


  1. We are stunned and grieving.

    RIP, Officers Paudert and Evans. Your families are in our hearts and prayers.

    Deputy Busby is in serious condition. Deputy Wren is in critical condition. May they both fully recover.

  2. Is the close to you, Lady Red? I mean that distance wise, not emotionally. It is close to us all, emotionally.

    So far this year twelve more officers have been killed that at the same point last year.

    I was a police explorer in the early '70's and knew a few officers. In 1980, I heard a story on the radio about two officers that were killed. This kind of story always gets my attention, and this was in the county where my parents lived and I went to high school. My heart really sank when I heard one of the names -- he was one of the officers I had known, although it was another department.a

    I remember when he first became an officer. I never rode with him, but a friend of mine did. He told me that they had to go tell some parents that their teenage was killed in a car accident. As was policy, my friend remained in the car. When Brent came back out, he was crying. I can believe it. He was a nice person, and he believed in humanity. His death still saddens me thirty years later.

  3. Distance-wise, West Memphis is about 150 miles from me. We've traveled through there many times in our travels east and south.

    I guess I feel these losses so personally because there are many cops and military men/women in my family.

    My BIL was shot in the chest (with a shotgun) a few years back in a drug raid. His kevlar vest saved his life. We're damn lucky to still have him.
