Thursday, May 20, 2010

Threats from Midgets...

You know what.... I'm ready for a first strike. I'm tired of being jerked around by such impotent despots. We've a huge can of whoop ass. A can that our national character won't allow us to use. While I on the one hand agree with restraint, dialog, any hope other than war, the other hand says wipe these assholes out. Kim Jong-Il and AmawishIhadapair. Why the hell do we play the game with these types? Yes, the 'world' may hate us for a few years but that will fade in a world without such a**holes. Countries, just like individuals, should be judged and dealt with by their actions, not some trumped up notion of sovereignty or grievance.


  1. I apologize... I mean no disrespect to real midgets.

  2. Luther, the world hates us now; who cares what they think? Of course, I'm one of those evil racist individuals who believe in American exceptionalism. *GASP*

    My take? Let South Korea handle their own problems for now. We have things at home we need to fix before we go riding to anyone else's rescue.

  3. lady red, "the world hates us" is very last decade.

    "Everybody hates everybody else" is the new hotness.

    (See, e.g., the clusterf*** that is the Euro zone).

    The Dow will open below 10K this morning, mostly because of the turmoil in Europe.

    South Korean and Hong Kong stock markets were closed for Buddha's birthday.

    Thai stock market was closed because protesters lit it on fire.

    The rest of the damn markets are open.

    Oh - as for the war, or lack thereof, on the (Korean) peninsula - I'm with lady red; the ten thousand shells an hour that the North will fire will land on Seoul, not any of our cities - not exactly our call whether to pull the trigger.

  4. "Luther, the world hates us now;"

    And in other late breaking news, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west; water is wet; etc.

  5. Lewy, what do you think of the new "financial overhaul" bill the nitwits just passed?

  6. Well... I realize that was somewhat an irrational post, but I tell you what, I'm not so sure that we can so easily stay out of things we'd prefer not to get involved in as witness this country's history.

    My frustration comes from the freedom loving side of the world being pushed around by tin-pot dictators. Thus my notion of first strike. I'd prefer that our might be used before Seoul becomes one large crater. Same with Israel. Or any other country that is threatened by freedom hating a**holes.

  7. I apologize... I mean no disrespect to real midgets.

    None taken.

  8. I'm 5'3, which I don't think is really short at all. However, my 6'1 hubby regularly refers to me as a midget.

    We probably do look kinda ridiculous walking next to each other...

  9. I'm just over 5'3", and hubby is 6'2". We look like Simon and Garfunkel. :)

  10. Haha... good thing I preemptively apologized then! Though I don't happen to think 5'3" is 'midget' sized either.

    More seriously here is Austin Bay's take on the Korean 'situation'. While his thoughts are much more tempered than mine he does essentially make the same point.
    "Winning the Korean Face War".

    "South Korea and the U.S., its closest ally, cannot avoid forcefully responding to the Cheonan attack because it prefigures a more terrible future where a further emboldened, fully nuclear-capable North Korea acts even more brutally."

    We can't continue to let ourselves be pushed around.

  11. Simon and GarfunkelMay 21, 2010 at 4:03 PM


    But do you still look as fabulously happening as us?

    Hmm...thought not.

  12. I always forget about the sheer impact of Art Garfunkel's hair until I see it again. And every time I see it all I can think is, "Wow!"

  13. Noah's hair would look like that if I didn't take the weed wacker to his head every month. Well, except for his bald spot on top. And the gray.

    Other than that...

  14. Lady Red, you should see my hair. If I had some pictures handy to post, I would show you.

    But the blog would probably be shut down by the UN.

  15. I hate my hair. I always wanted to be one of those women who could get up and brush and go. Nope. I have the frizziest, yet thinnest hair. It's ridiculous.

    Air Force Guy's hair is very thick and straight. And it grows crazy-fast. He needs a hair cut at least every week and a half.

    My oldest has very thick, red, very curly hair. My other three have STRAIGHT hair, though.

    Genetics are crazy. None of my kids have the same color eyes, and even my two brunettes have entirely different shades. And in the summer, my 12 year old and my 7 year old don't even look like they are the same ethnicity as I.

  16. I love your hair, I'd kill for red hair!
    I have thin, dishwater blonde, straight hair. pfft.

  17. I always forget about the sheer impact of Art Garfunkel's hair until I see it again. And every time I see it all I can think is, "Wow!"


    I'll give you "wow" Missy.

  18. How about this... we know, as AFW illustrates, that genetics are crazy. So, instead of deporting our illegals back to, mostly Mexico, we send them to N. Korea instead. Things would change there within a generation or so. We pay N. Korea to accept them. Would Kim turn that down?

    Sorry, but I have absurd thoughts on occasion.

  19. I love Richard Simmons so damn much. Even though we have a lot of views that don't agree, I just adore that man. He's non-confrontational (outside of airports, that is) and listening to him just makes me smile all day.

    And his Yoplait commercial makes my day every time I see it.

    florrie - I wish my hair were still naturally red! Thanks to a bunch of VERY LARGE babies, one of whom turned into a handful of a teenager, it's not anymore. All of it, anyway. I look like a darn candy cane when my hairdresser isn't attentive enough.

  20. "I look like a darn candy cane when my hairdresser isn't attentive enough."

    LMAO! I hear that, sistah. Of course, my hair is the cane without the candy. Canehead, they call me. QOTFU. :D

  21. Richard, LMAO!!!!!!!

    Is that Aridog? Heh, I still love Richard, even though he's gettin' me :-)

  22. "I apologize... I mean no disrespect to real midgets.

    None taken."

    afw, you are on a roll tonight, LMFAO!!!

  23. "I'm just over 5'3", and hubby is 6'2". We look like Simon and Garfunkel. :)"

    Stop, I'm dying here!!

    From now on I'll ask lady red how Garfunkel is doing...

  24. OMG, that picture of S&G is ghastly! WTF happened to G? I saw him a couple years ago and he still looked relatively well preserved!

    Did you guys know he's married to a kewpie doll?

  25. Luther, I'm with you, let's send our illegals to the dear leader.

    But now give us your thoughts on something REALLY important - whose hair is the scariest - Richard's or Gar's??

  26. afw, I love that commercial, I hadn't seen it before!

    Yes, I have all of Richard's "Sweating to..." on DVD.

  27. Hey, I just brag about my platinum blond highlights.

  28. Here's a kewpie doll ~


    Here's Art's wife ~


  29. Did you know he also has an adorable little boy with a giant afro just like his?

    Well, I should say, just like his when he was in his youth...

  30. "Hey, I just brag about my platinum blond highlights."

    Matt, lol!!

  31. Is kewpie doll wife like nine feet tall, or is she standing on a pile of phone books? ;))

    Matt, LOL at your platinum blond highlights!
