Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire

Today's scoreboard:

New York Times 1; sleazy, lying weasel of a politician 0.  Three cheers for the Old Gray Lady.  It's about damn time.

They can hang Richard Blumenthal's scalp from their belt.  He's the attorney general from Connecticut who's running for Chris Dodd's senate seat.  Only one problem; he's a lying liar:

“We have learned something important since the days that I served in Vietnam,” Mr. Blumenthal said to the group gathered in Norwalk in March 2008. “And you exemplify it. Whatever we think about the war, whatever we call it — Afghanistan or Iraq — we owe our military men and women unconditional support.”
There was one problem: Mr. Blumenthal, a Democrat now running for the United States Senate, never served in Vietnam. He obtained at least five military deferments from 1965 to 1970 and took repeated steps that enabled him to avoid going to war, according to records.
The deferments allowed Mr. Blumenthal to complete his studies at Harvard; pursue a graduate fellowship in England; serve as a special assistant to The Washington Post’s publisher, Katharine Graham; and ultimately take a job in the Nixon White House.

Did he really think he could get away with posing as a combat marine?  The good people of Connecticut should stick a 44 cent stamp his pampered little ass and ship him off to Camp Lejeune.  They'll know what to do.


  1. I can't believe the NYT actually broke this story! I mean, Blumenthal's a liberal democrat. Ivy league all the way; Harvard and Yale law. Global warming nut. Dodd supporter during the Countrywide scandal. Lied to MSNBC about receiving PAC monies. A libertarian think-tank even branded him the "wors

  2. oopsie. continued....

    A libertarian think-tank even branded him the "worst state attorney general in the nation."

    With great credentials like that, you'd think he'd be bulletproof.

  3. I was thinking this is because he worked for Nixon. If he had worked for Carter or Clinton, he'd be home free.

  4. And he briefly worked for WaPo. Long memories? :)

  5. Jonn Lilyea at This Ain't Hell has been uncovering a lot of these guys.

    I've noticed something about the ones that inflate their service: they do a very Clintonesque thing, in that they depend on the word "in" vs. the word "during." And that seems to be this guy's excuse - that he was in the military while the Vietnam conflict was going on, thus the "in Vietnam".


  6. Poseur indeed.

    AFW, I'm sure you know plenty of men like Noah; he NEVER has claimed to be a Vietnam vet. He feels that because he never had boots on the ground, he doesn't qualify for that honor (flying OVER Vietnam and getting shot at doesn't count in his book). He doesn't even like the label "Vietnam-Era" vet. He's an Air Force vet, plain and simple. He's quick to correct any assumptions people may make about his service record, and quiet about the duties he performed during that chaotic time.

    Of course, Noah is an honorable man. Blumenthal is not. :)

  7. Connecticut’s AG has an embarrassing John Kerry problem – an exaggerated war record.


  8. I just watched his presser. It was EMBARRASSING.

  9. Welcome Iron Mike! I just went and checked out your place. Very nice! :)

    It's funny that we had the same idea for a post title; something tells me it's the first thing that came to mind for MANY bloggers...heh!

    AFW, I missed Blumenthal's presser. I'm glad. :D

  10. Iron Mike, I just added you to our blogroll. You seem like a kindred spirit. :)

  11. I'm sure Marla Mapes and Dan Rather are working hard to briing us the facts on this story about his service record.

    *insert eye-rolling emoticon here*

  12. The guy's apology was as outrageous as his lies about his service record. And he has the brass ones to be belligerent?

  13. No wonder they are throwing these shitbags out left and right. FINALLY!

    That is, the ones that didn't "retire" or resign before the primary/election.

  14. Seriously, florrie.

    lady red - Noah would have pooped puppies if he had seen that horrible presser. Blumenthal, who is being accused of FAKING OVERSEAS SERVICE, held it at a VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS hall.

    And had the balls to be belligerent about it (as florrie said).

    Like I said - embarrassing.

  15. Yeah, you nailed it, afw, the guy's arrogance is breath taking.

  16. I would be willing to bet that 95% of the vets in this country think he's scum.

  17. Florie said: "I would be willing to bet that 95% of the vets in this country think he's scum."

    I suspect most think he's pathetic.

    He forgot rule #1..."everybody has to be somewhere, and that is usually where they need to be."

    That bit of philosophy comes from a friend of mine who did his 365 plus a wake up as a 101st leg in RVN, including the assault on Ap Bia Mountain....made more famous by the movie "Hamburger Hill."

  18. Yes, pathetic is a more fitting adjective to describe him than scum, Aridog. He even talked about how people spit on him when he got back in-country.

    This just turns my stomach and it's all so unnecessary! I would honor his service without a tour in Vietnam. I guess "scum" first came to mind because I'm so damned tired of all the liars and immoral flotsam that represent us.

  19. ..."everybody has to be somewhere, and that is usually where they need to be."

    I like that one.
