Monday, May 17, 2010

For RadioMattM

Hope you haven't already seen it, Tom sent it to me today...


  1. I loved it! Jack's side-kick looks exactly like my late Father-in-law.

  2. LOL he'll love it! He's in bed right now but I'll be sure he looks in the morning.

  3. Fay, you know I thought of Matt as soon as I saw it was Jack Webb :-)

    And the imbed went fine thanks to your instructions in the "Seekrit Codez". Now Dances should be able to do it if I can as I'm terribly techno-challenged.

    Night night!

  4. Florrie, that's awesome! Matt will flip! ;))

  5. Quick: who knows what that episode is really about? Yeah, I can tell you.

    On disagreement with this clip, though. The people who educated Obama fully intended for him to do what he has done. The educational elite fully support what he is doing. The sad thing is that all the things Obama said would happen if the bill did not pass will happen because it did.

    Thank you very much; you put a smile on my face.

  6. BTW, Florrie, I trust that you recognized Joe's partner as Col. Potter from M*A*S*H.

  7. So tell us already.


  8. Matt, I always think of him as Col. Potter, I can never remember his real name. It was awesome that I got to see M*A*S*H in a Ft. Lewis theater when it was first released.

  9. His name is Harry Morgan.

    I never saw the M*A*S*H movie. I had a friend who did and like to play the soundtrack album.

    My family saw Patton on the Presidio in San Francisco at a Sunday afternoon matinee. We all dress up in our suits, too. I guess my family was even more old school that I thought. Perhaps since my father served under Patton, we thought of seeing the movie as a special event.

  10. Matt, if I remember correctly, the episode was from before LSD was made illegal, and in an earlier scene, Friday & Gannon were discussing the 'tune in, turn on, drop out' bus that used to frequent California cities giving out free 'samples'.

  11. Matt, you should see it if you liked the TV series. Yes, Harry Morgan, I know he didn't play the movie role but to me he will always be Col. Potter :-)
