Monday, May 17, 2010

Anyone Here Still Watch 'Family Guy'?

If so, WHY?

I still don't know how to do videos in a post, guess I should learn soon.


  1. I don't think I have ever watched a entire episode, and I doubt I spent much time even watching a scene.

  2. Never seen it. In fact I've never even seen a full episode of the Simpsons. I'm not an animation/cartoon fan.

  3. That's if you call the Simpsons or Family Guy "animation."

    Disney or classic Warner's they ain't.

  4. Hmm, did anyone see this scene, where two Vietnam vets are being harrassed at the wall?

  5. Dances, I watched the clip the other day. It's not just in poor taste; it's outright painful.

    Before this, I'd seen one or two episodes of Family Guy, but didn't like it. I have no intention of ever watching it again.

    I enjoy the animated adult shows sometimes. South Park, raunchy as it is, can be really funny. My son used to watch The Simpsons when he still lived at home, and some of those were cute.

  6. South Park could be hilarious at times. In one episode they were at a planetarium and were learning about constellations. One constellation had two stars in it, but they made a large picture of the Battle of Hastings or some such out of it. My oldest brother was really into astronomy, but I could never get most of the "images" people saw in constellations, so I got a kick out of that scene.
