Monday, January 25, 2010

Axl Sports the Farrah Do

Photographic proof that pudgy, over the hill, no talent, rockers should ditch the bandanas.


  1. O-M-G. He got fat and even more icky. Please, button that shirt back up.

    Nice ring. What's with all the telephone cord? There is so much wrong with this picture...oy.

  2. I may have to do a post of Lenny just for eye wash purposes...

  3. What's with all the telephone cord?

    I think it's a big honking chain around his neck with what looks like a cross? on it.

    And you are much wrong...

  4. Oh, OK, but there seems to also be some wrapped around his wrist on top of that humongous watch he's wearing.


  5. I am wondering if that bandanna actually has the hairdo attached to it? Huh. Woulda thought he was taking too many drugs to ever get fat. Looks like he's grown a pair of moobs though. Bleh.
    I saw them in concert once, opening for the Rolling Stones. Never heard the F word so many times in the pace of 5 minutes. Slash was the worst. The F word pretty much comprised his entire vocabulary.
    Felt like I was listening to a stoned teenager. From a mental-capacity perspective I spose I was.

  6. He looks like he smells like moldy bread and stale whiskey.

    And farts.

  7. "I am wondering if that bandanna actually has the hairdo attached to it? "

    I almost choked on my PB&J sandwich, LMAO!!!

  8. afw, yes, farts and bad hair smell.

    Wow, monkeyweather, you went to a Guns 'n Roses concert! Whodathunkit? When they first became popular I remember Slash saying he probably would get AIDS as he had slept with LOTS of people just for a place to crash.

    Like I said before, ick.

  9. So. Axl is just about one year my senior.

    Note to self: self, do not allow yourself to get fat...

  10. BTW for all you IE people out there, Vikram is still debugging... narrowed the problem down a bit, but can't quite figure out why [incomprehensible geekspeak elided...]

  11. My children always have told me that he and Slash were excellent and talented musicians. At that stage in my life, music had no room; I have no personal knowledge.

    I have to believe that my children had ears. And that this photograph is simply further eveidence of the cruelty of age.

  12. I'd agree levi - it wasn't lack of talent that made those two objectionable. I liked their music.
    IIRC Axl had a bit of a problem with beating up women, and the lot of them were so drugged up that I spose hearing the F word was a pretty minimal symptom considering what they COULD have been doing.
