Saturday, January 1, 2011

It's Not Nice To Fool With Mother Nature

I've read bits and snippets about the theory that the contrails decorating our skies contain chemical additives, but I didn't realize the "chem-trail" theory had such ardent supporters.  From a small, eastern Arizona newspaper:

She might be retired from political life, but former state senator Karen Johnson is not retired from being an activist. After serving in the House of Representatives for eight years and the senate for four, Johnson retired in 2008 to her home in Linden where she now has time to garden and become more active in issues that concern her.

One of these issues took her on a recent trip back to the state capital to try to bring the subject of chemtrails and geoengineering to her former colleagues, including Governor Jan Brewer and Senator Sylvia Allen who is from Snowflake.

Taking several people active in the chemtrail debate with her, Johnson visited the House, the Senate and Governor Brewer's offices, dropping off packets that contain the DVD "What in the World are they spraying," and articles and information on the subject.

At first, my reaction was "huh?". Then, as I read the article and the comments that followed, I found myself shaking my head. "Who are these nuts, anyway?" I thought. "Don't Arizona's legislators have more important issues to deal with?" However, the article kept nagging at me.

The proponents of the whole "chem-trail" debate seem to be regular folks, not foaming-at-the-mouth conspiracy nuts. Investigative journalism is dead and cold, and the government lies about pretty much everything. What if these "chem-trail" people are right, and our scientists ARE secretly attempting to geo-engineer our environment to counter global warming? Is this the cause for our wacky weather? Did someone in the lab get a little too happy with earth-cooling chemicals?

I'm reasonably sure that the streaks in the sky are just water vapor. Reasonably sure.  


  1. As the saying goes, just because you are paranoid does not mean they aren't out to get you. I understand what you mean.

    A couple of thoughts come to mind. First, I hate the term "Activist." That to mean is like the word "consultant" back in the nineties. Can't get a job in your field? Call yourself a consultant. Now, got a bug up your butt? Call yourself an activist. At least with consultants, one had to have some sort of credentials to pass oneself off. Activists? Not so much.

    Second, It is funny how pepole believe that things being the way they are used to is the normal order of things and nothing will change it. There are many things in nature that will change the climate. In the 1700's, it snowed in July because of a volcano. There always has been and always will be natural variations. If we try and correct them, on the asumption that we caused them, then we can really mess things up.

    Third, If we are having global warming, why is England having the coldest winder since they began keeping records back in the 1600's?

  2. This is our third or fourth coldest winter in a long time.

    I like hearing these conspiracy theories. You never know!! :-)

    I loved this part:

    One of these issues took her on a recent trip back to the state capital to try to bring the subject of chemtrails and geoengineering to her former colleagues, including Governor Jan Brewer and Senator Sylvia Allen who is from Snowflake.

  3. I meant - 3rd or 4th coldest winter in a row; no warming here in the People's Republic of Washington.

  4. Nothing like a good old-fashioned conspiracy theory to kick off the TCKT New Year! :))

    The weather HAS seemed wacky lately. But looking back to when we were kids...doesn't it seem like it snowed more then? Or is just because we were wee lads and lasses, and it didn't take much accumulation to reach our chins?

  5. About three weeks ago at work, a local Birch Society member gave me a DVD to watch about the chemicals they are supposedly putting into the contrails.

    It's still sitting in my locker.

  6. More weird stuff here, in Arkansas, no less. Chem trails killin' da birds?

    Nah, rumor has it that the dead birds are University of Michigan and Michigan State University fans trying to sneak home after yesterday's games whilst in a state of PTSD, and simply croaked en route of pure embarrassment.

    BTW, Lady Red ... it's up to y'awz Razorbacks to do the same to Ohio State next Tuesday night ... let them thar "Buckeyes" live up to their nick ... e.g. "stinking flower."

  7. Aridog, LMAO! The guys on the two Michigan teams won't be able to sit down for a week...what a spanking! The SEC is one tough conference; Michigan and Michigan State were tasty little appetizers for Ole Miss and 'Bama. Chomp chomp chomp.

    Ohio State should be trembling in their cleats. Go Hogs! :))

  8. That bird stuff is weird. There's rumors that the pesky little things were poisoned by an irritated farmer. More likely it was the hail we had on New Year's Eve day.

  9. Speaking of teh crazie.

    My family dragged me, kicking and screaming, into the 1990's at Christmas, by giving me a cell phone, something I've never had, wanted or missed.

    Well, it's a Trac Fone.

    I've just spent over 35 minutes trying to put 120 minutes of time on the phone, which does NOT seem a good return on my investment.

    Nonetheless, I have it, it will probably work for emergencies (the only time I plan to ever open it) unless it rides around, forgotten in my coat pocket until it runs out of battery.

    That is the most likely scenario.

  10. Luther, I'm not sure. Fish die-offs happen every year, and I think the birds were probably killed by hail from the storm that went through that day. ~OR~ maybe the gummint is testing evil bio-chemicals on the unsuspecting fauna. ~OR~ maybe we're being visited by critters from another planet who hate fish and birds.

    Take your pick!

  11. Yes, I'm sure there is a perfectly rational explanation for it all. Though I do like the critters from another planet idea!

  12. The evening news just said the birds show blunt force trauma to their organs. The hail theory is looking good.

    All that being said, those guys in hazmat suits picking up thousands of dead birds is freakin' people out.

  13. The evening news just said the birds show blunt force trauma to their organs.

    I have visions of little people flying around the sky whacking birds with little mini baseball bats.

    Which probably makes me a sick, disturbed person.

  14. Bwahaha...


  15. Vladimir, LMAO!

    Tonight on the evening news Brian Williams reported that the birds may have been startled by fireworks, causing them to panic and fly into things.

    Yep. I believe that one.

