Saturday, January 12, 2013

Newtown Donation Sites Created Before Shootings?

A record, complete with Screen Caps, showing donation and sympathy sites created as much as four days before the Sandy Hook Elementary massacre.

I heard someone say a few days ago that these killings were done by the government, purely to give a basis for extremely strict firearms control.

I thought at the time, that this was another 'troofer'-type crazed conspiracy theory.

I still hope that it is, but I am wondering now.


  1. The govt. does F&F to ultimately push their gun control agenda? I can buy it.

    This stuff is waaaaay over the top, though. Troofer stuff.

    1. Florrie, I really do think so, too.

      But four different pages about the Sandy Hook murders, done before the shootings themselves?

      One or two I can see as possible, but these dates are not something the person who starts the page types in. It is done by the site, automatically.

      As I said, weird, weird, weird.

  2. I would like to think that there is some other explanation -- a mis-set time stamp or something along those lines.

    But even if the conspiracy theorists are correct, we will never see anything because of it.

  3. I don't believe that conspirators smart and ruthless enough to carry out something like this would screw up by launching sites early.

    Yeah we can maintain the silence of multiple participants ranging from monster gunmen (who shoot children) to website designers. But we can't get our dates straight.

    Further, why bother with doing websites at all? The parents and others will put them up.

    Don't buy it.

    1. Well, that's the point, isn't it?

      No-one who could do such a thing wuold be so sloppy as to mess up something this minor, would they?

      I wuold like to think, along with Matt, that there is a better explanation, but also along with Matt, I am sure we will never know.

      The point is, that this information is out there, with frighteningly early dates, and many are wondering why.

  4. My immediate reaction upon hearing of this massacre was "what have they done now?". It just seemed...too opportune...of an event for the progs. It reeked of being staged.

    I had to ask myself: "Is the power behind Obama and the MSM ruthless enough to slaughter innocent children?"

    In my mind, the answer is a definitive yes.

    Then I asked myself: "Do these cold-blooded reptiles have the network, the brains, and the means to pull this off in full view of the American people?"

    The answer to that is also yes.

    However, throwing a dash of pragmaticism and a pinch of Occam's razor into the bubbling pot of swirling conspiracy theories leads me to believe that this was what it seems: a mentally ill nutcase, a tragically irresponsible mother, and the left's vow to never let a crisis go to waste.

    I do keep an open mind though. History has many incidences of high intrigue and cobwebbed conspiracies.

    1. I would really like to believe in Occam's razor, but this administration is making it harder and harder. I really don't want to be a conspiracy kook but it seems that no matter how weird it may be, it tends to be true with these people.

  5. Emperor Obama is handing down his gun control decree to his subjects tomorrow. He's surrounding himself with fawning little children for added effect.

    Today, there are two more school shootings.

    Really? How opportune.


    1. Constitution? I don't need no stinking constitution!

    2. You got that right, Matt. Can Barky do anything that's not staged? Or without TOTUS?

