Sunday, January 13, 2013

Choosing Your Community

My husband and I are both anticipating a migration of conservatives/libertarians/constitutionalists in the coming year or two. As a political strategy, for this group to shift their numbers out of solidly blue states such as New York and California, where their voices are not heard, and into toss-up states such as Ohio and Florida, where they can create a vocal majority with a high number of accompanying electoral votes, makes perfect strategic sense.

From a security viewpoint, we both expect a sizable number of working, heavily armed citizens to load up the Uhaul and put down new stakes in states such as Texas, Utah, and Idaho, strengthening these states with skilled, self-reliant citizens and driving out the simpering, hand-wringing liberals and slugs.

Armed fortresses WITHIN a state are already forming. In my opinion, the federal government's response to these communities will, in all likelihood, be swift and brutal. What they can't destroy using the jackbooted might of the IRS or the bigoted Attorney General's office (racism!), they will attempt to destroy with Homeland Security.

Here is one such endeavor:

"A group of like-minded patriots, bound together by pride in American exceptionalism, plan on building an armed community to protect their liberty.
The group, named Citadel,  intends to purchase 2,000 to 3,000 acres for the project in western Idaho.  The community will comprise of 3,500 to 7,000 families of patriotic Americans who "voluntarily choose to live together in accordance with Thomas Jefferson's ideal of Rightful Liberty."

Good luck to the brave, rugged individualists who will help build The Citadel; we'll be watching with great interest.


  1. The land purchased in Idaho reminds me of an article by Ben Stein about 20 years ago, when Hayden Lake was portrayed as the racist-bogot capital of the United States. Stein wrote about how his family, especially his children, who are all obviously jewish, received much kinder and open treatment in Western Idaho than they ever received in the leftist haven of Los Angeles.

    The Federal Government is becoming more and more of a tyranny, yet conservatives are the Neanderthals for not wanting to give up all of their rights to the government.

    I saw a video with Bill Whittle on PJTV where he said that in the US, 1,000 laws a day are passes. He made the same point that I have made before: if someone wants to put you in prisons, there is a law somewhere that you have broken that would let him do it.

    And that is the whole idea.

    1. There are too many laws, too many hidden taxes, too many overt taxes, and too many morons in government feathering their own nest at our expense.

      Additionally, there are too many slugs on welfare, too many able-bodied adults on disability, and too many people "retiring" at 50-55 slurping at the public trough.

      Our Republic is broken. The tail is wagging the dog.

  2. lady red - I've got one eye on that door marked "Exit" as well but I think it's fair to say that this represents a defeat of sorts.

    Here's an article which - I believe - truly explains Obama's success this cycle. It's "Moneyball" for politics.

    Without this kind of data analysis and voter science on "our side" the Republicans will lose every single time.

    In fact, the failure to engage with this kind of knowledge is prima facie evidence that the "R"s are a fake party whose intent is to lose.

    1. And apparently I'm not the only one who thinks that at the grassroots level, the left and the right have more in common than people might think.

  3. Heh, just thought of this comparison...

    Q: In the case of armed insurrection against a tyrannical government, what difference does it make if we have guns and they have heavy weapons?

    A: The difference between Blackhawk Down and Zulu.
