Monday, January 25, 2010

For monkeyweather

With a twist of lemon...


  1. Aww, for our dear, miz monkeyweather, lol!

    I LOVE that movie, your clip really made me smile. IIRC, that movie is where Steve Martin first met Victoria Tenant, his future wife (now, sadly, his ex-wife).

    I think I may just have to add that one to my Netflix queue, it's been a while.

  2. We were talking about that movie the other day florrie. I loved it too, so funny in so many ways.

    I'm pretty sure he and Victoria were married at the time.

  3. HA! :OD
    Thanks Fay!
    I love that scene.
    I am still unable to properly order coffee like that, so I am stuck drinking simply "coffee". Oh, with half and half. But Starbucks makes you add that yourself :OP

    The other scene I always loved was when Victoria was answering the door in the middle of playing "shave and a haircut" on the tuba :O)
    Like, one cannot simply leave that hanging eternally in the air without the "two bits" to finish it off!

    p.s. I figured out how to text over a link inside a comment! YAY!
