Monday, January 25, 2010

Sartre Wrong, Exit Found

No Exit is a 1944 existentialist play by Jean-Paul Sartre, originally published
in French as Huis Clos (meaning In Camera or "behind closed doors"). English
translations have also been performed under the titles In Camera, No Way Out,
and Dead End. Huis Clos was first performed at the Vieux-Colombier in May 1944,
just before the liberation of Paris in World War II.

Yes, my friends, on this as in so many other things Jean-Paul was dead wrong.

On Friday, I received official word that the job I was seeking, which will take me and my family abroad for the rest of my working life, is mine. I leave Oregon in mid-March for places unknown, back to the world of moving around every 2-4 years.

We don't know where we are going yet. Could be back to South America. Could be India. Might be Russia. But, it's far from here and the maddening crowd.

You have no idea how happy and fortunate I feel! In fact, I....I.....wait a minute! It was performed "just before the liberation of Paris in WWII"?

But doesn't that mean that Mr. Left Wing Philosopher got and received persmission from Nazi occupation authorities to stage the play?

Yeah, just another thing left-wing folks get a pass for. The double-standard, she exists.

But, to get back on point, I wanted to both tell you guys the good news and to thank you for all your support over this past very trying and difficult year, especially lewy, who has not only put up with my rants on Teh Interwebs but also in person!

I can't believe I'm going back overseas. I am thrilled, absolutely thrilled. That is, so long as there is a good Internet connection........


  1. Congrats Jourdan! Wow, what an adventure :O)
    So you don't actually have any clue what part of the world you are moving to in March?
    I will wish Portugal on you and your family. Just because it looks pretty and also seems a bit away from that maddening crowd thing you are tired of.
    Patagonia looks nice too, but that might be too far from the maddening crowd.
    Paraguay perhaps? After all, the Bush family just bought a large parcel there, so you'll know the neighbors ;O)

  2. "No Exit is a 1944 existentialist play by Jean-Paul Sartre"

    Um, isn't that redundant.

  3. I'm really happy for you, Jourdan, congratulations and I hope you will keep us informed as things progress?

    Are you back to work for the State dept. then?

    Enquiring minds want to know :-)

  4. Jourdan, I am happy for you and your family. We will miss you and hope you can stay in touch on the world wide webs.

    Have you planned your Canuck withdrawal strategy yet?

  5. Hi florrie, can you see me waiving...

  6. Hi, Fay! I finally checked the feed lewy linked to (I'm on IE, dammit). I don't want to switch browsers (already have Opera too) so I hope lewy can work it out for us.

    Many thanks in advance, lewy, baksheesh to follow :-)

  7. monkeyweather - Thanks and, wow, Portugal would be fantastic. So would Paraguay

    florrie - Thanks! Officially, where I am going and the position I have taken must unknown. Unofficially, to those who know me it's obvious.

    Fay - I'm thinking ahead Fay. I've already got on's GameCentreLive...all games, on demand via streaming Internet

  8. Canada would be great, we can keep you close by to check up on you...

    Just sayin' :-)

  9. Jourdan, I'll be sad I won't be able to share your "rants" in person...

    But I know how much you wanted this and my wife and I are very happy for you!
