Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Racy Humououour

So, I'm browsing on line for some long-sleeved thermal tops to wear under my scrubs when I come upon this gem:

Once I spluttered the coffee out of my nose and finished LMAO, I kept on shopping, but I couldn't quit giggling over the butt-lifting thermals. How would I look in those?


There was also "lifting" undies for the menfolk. Picturing Noah's face as he opened them on Christmas morning was almost enough of a motivator to buy them (but, as they say, paybacks are a you-know-what!), hahaha!

I'll keep the pic of THAT little gem off of our front page: view at your own risk. Remember I DID say "racy"!

Penis and testicles sold separately. ROFLMAO!!!



  1. I apologize in advance if anyone is offended by body parts. However, I'll still be here laughing and hooting. These undies are the most hilarious thing I've seen in a long time!

  2. Hey, but the come with a little red ribbon! And they're are really handy if the church choirs needs more sopranos.

    1. ROFL!

      When I found the picture of the girl with the thermal butt-lifter, I thought of Solus. He would have enjoyed this thread. :)

  3. Oh yeah, a wearable noose for your junk.

    "Just what I've always wanted" said no sane man ever.
