Saturday, May 16, 2020

Random Thoughts

Governor Cuomo of NY intentionally sent C19 patients from hospitals to nursing homes, exposing our elderly to a pathogen they had little hope of fighting off.

Hospitals nationwide have been releasing symptomatic patients to nursing homes without a C19 test because they don't want to deal with them.

All of the above is a Crime Against Humanity, or flat-out premeditated mass murder.


There are so many people on social media screeching about staying home. Most of them receive a government check in the form of welfare, social security, disability, unemployment, whatevah. How many of these well-to-do screechers donated their $1200 check to the young man forced out of work and desperately trying to support his family? I would guess less than 1%. And that's probably optimistic. I've never seen so much narcissism in my life.


It seems that 1/4 of our country (and perhaps our neighbor Canada) are working their asses off during this "pandemic", a 1/4 are on forced layoffs, and 1/2 are sitting in their homes eating cheetos while life goes on just as it did before the lockdown.  Good things will not come from this inequity.


Trump is doing a fair job in an impossible situation. I don't know why he would want to continue funding WHO, but that was the skinny in today's news. I'll have to trust him I guess. I've lost complete faith in the WHO and the CDC. They should both be abolished, and we should start over.


When this "pandemic" has wound down, you will see doctors and nurses leaving the field in droves. We're not fucking heroes, we're regular people bound by our calling and our oath. We didn't sign up to follow the guidance of idiots like Fauci and his ilk.  His bullshit is getting too many health professionals killed. And we didn't sign up to wear the same mask day after day, or don PPE that is tissue-thin. Ridiculous! People will have to decide what kind of health care (or sick care) they want, and fight for it. Or live/die with the consequences.


We can do better. Much better.


  1. Where was it that the State health director forced infected old people into nursing homes but put her own mother in a hotel?

    If they get away with this we will see another “pandemic” requiring a complete shutdown of everything again in a short few years.

    The WHO and the CDC are new examples of an old axiom: When someone Is well paid to eliminate a problem, that problem is never eliminated.

    1. How do we keep them from getting away with it? Every closet tyrant and Secret Queen/King is raising her/his ugly head and grabbing what power they can. They won't relinquish it voluntarily. How did we get to this place? It's crazy!

  2. Hi Lady Red, you paint such a shocking picture although it is not a surprise. I have been keeping up with the news from the US and from the UK and the corona statistics are horrifying.

    Thank G-d I live in Israel. We have been in a complete lockdown since early March, and now we are emerging back into not-quite normality. we didn't see our children and grandkids for two months, we had a rather lonely Seder night on Passover, but we did not leave my dad alone, he moved in to my brother for a few days. Now we have met the kids again, but not all together, each time a different family. And this week the grandkids are all going back to school, staggered over the week, adn they are attending in shifts so that the classrooms don't get too crowded. All a bit surreal to say the least.

    Mask wearing is absolutely mandatory outdoors, and you get an on the spot fine of 200 shekels (about $50) if you are caught not wearing it, or wearing it improperly. On the other hand you don't need to wear one if you are doing sport or exercise, children under 6 and the handicapped are exempt. But it means that most of the population are wearing masks. I can tell you it's bloody hot in this 42°C heatwave we're having!

    Maybe we have reached this stage because we started the lockdown earlier. It is also easier here because a) we are used to living in emergency settings, and when the gov't says "do something" because it's for our safety, we do it. b) We are a much smaller country with only one open border - the sea, and only two international airports. The other borders are pretty much closed at the best of times. c) Being a small country the health system is centralized which in this case was a blessing.

    I am scared we are opening up too quickly without enough testing before going on to the next stage. But for the moment the numbers of sick are dropping dramatically, and the number of recovered has overtaken by far the number of infected.

    The item you mentioned about patients being sent back sick to nursing homes is sickening - literally. Here the nursing homes and sheltered housing were on complete lockdown. No one at all in or out. I didn't see my mother for 2 months. The home organized video calls and we can anyway call Mum on the landline at any time. The staff were marvellous, giving us constant updates on Mum's situation and they even organized her a birthday party last week. Now they have opened up under strict restrictions and we have started visiting again - one at a time, masked and gloved, at a distance of 2 meters... It's not great at all but better than nothing for the moment.

    I hope and pray you reach our situation sooner rather than later.

    1. Hi Anne! Our nursing homes ARE on complete lockdown; I haven't seen my mom for months except through a window. But that lockdown doesn't extend to hospitals dumping sick patients. It's terrible and horrifying.

    2. It beggars belief. Sickening is an understatement. I'm so sorry. :-( I hope your Mum is safe and well.

    3. Israel, Singapore, Switzerland... my short list of countries I'd want to experience a pandemic in.

      And yet none of them really can say they've beaten this - it's a weird beast.

      I hear Vietnam is doing great, actually.

  3. I agree with you 100% about the WHO. Bunch of criminals. I can't speak about the CDC having no knowledge of them but I'll take your word for it.

    Stay safe and stay sane!

    1. I just got tested the other day, negative. Part of my job is collecting Covid tests from new residents, so I'm super careful. Full garb, googles, the works.

      As far as sanity...who knows. :p

    2. NOT googles, hahaha. GOGGLES.

    3. At least you didn't write Giggles. :D

      OMG You are right on the front lines! My sister works as the secretary of the ICU in the children's hospital here. She is not quite on the front lines but that is still scary enough. Also because it's a children's hospital there were very few covid patients. She too was tested as part of a nationwide testing of all hospital workers. Of course it doesn't give more than a momentary picture. In theory a person could get infected on their way home from the test...

      The daughter of a friend of ours however worked as a nurse in our local hospital, where both my mum and my late MIL had been hospitalized over the last year. That hospital was turned into a corona-only hospital, yet this young woman kept on working there even though she was highly pregnant. we are very happy to hear she just gave birth to healthy twins!! No one had any idea!

      My inlaws' family doctor got infected and he infected his wife. He insists he was infected at a family meal, but I am convinced he got it in the hospital since no one else in the family got sick. Thank G-d he and his wife made a full recovery.

  4. I have friends that answered the call to help in NY. They're reporting the afflicted are much healthier in general than the folks here at home, leaner, less diabetes and other underlying health issues. They are baffled by that, and by the fact that those who do recover are exhibiting stroke-like after effects.

    These are first-hand accounts you won't see in the news.

    1. I have seen similar reports from elsewhere. Most of the afflicted in Israel were the elderly, but as you say, when someone relatively healthy was infected they seem to get it worse. I've seen mention of a cytokine storm, i.e. the immune system goes into overdrive or something like that.

      It's all terrifying that's for sure.

      I shall keep you in my prayers that you keep safe and healthy.

    2. F

      [this is what the zoomers post... they have learned parsimony, evidently]

  5. lady red, thanks for posting your thoughts - it was a treat, especially because I know you're so busy.

    I've been thinking of you this whole time; I know we all have.

    1. I've been thinking about you all too, praying you and your families are safe and healthy!

      Lewy, I'd love to hear what you think about the financial aspect of the shut down and the massive wealth redistribution happening under our very noses. Trying to understand it, and plan accordingly on a personal level, is dizzying.

  6. Good to see input from all over. I am just concerned of the political capital the “elite” are going to make of this. To answer Lady Red’s question, I have no idea how to keep them from getting away with it.

    Can you imagine if such draconian measures were suggested to fight AIDS? There would have riots in the street. But now it is only a misdemeanour in California to knowingly infect someone.

    Maybe it is cold, maybe it is cynical, but people die. Many of the people, as I understand it, already had underlying medical problems already. Many were elderly.

    By the time they were my age, my oldest brother, my uncle, a great uncle, and both grandmothers had died — so I do not take the concept lightly. I am not saying, “Oh, let the die.” But we can’t freeze everything because people might die.

    What we are doing is damaging to the food supply that might take years to repair. How many people will die because the economy is in shambles? How many people will die because governments have finally figured out a way to meekly give up our rights?

    I wonder if these measures are being taken now because of all of those pesky populist movements around the world Trump in the US, Brexit in the UK, the Yellow Vests in France, etc.

    I don’t see anyone putting up NO PARKING signs around mosques.

    1. I went to my local market this afternoon to buy meat. There was a group of people at the meat counter, a few steps back, just huddled there quietly. Once I looked at how the prices have more than doubled since last week, I turned around and left without buying anything.

    2. Bingo. That's the economic consequence. Seventies-style, cost-push inflation.

      Turns out all oil shocks are bad. Even when oil goes negative, it's bad.

      I'm torn because my "old hippy" self is delighted that factory farming is going to diminish (just because I don't protest it doesn't mean I have to like it).

      But it also means people will be eating a lot less meat, particularly beef.

      Hello 1974 we missed you.
