Thursday, June 30, 2016

Hello, Possums!

*Tries the key in the door*
Look at that!  It works!
*Hops in, revs the engine and squeals off *

So.  lady red decided to give me a key to this lovely little place - here's hoping she won't regret it; I'll do my best not to break anything (too badly)!  Don't know how often I'll post, but it is lots of fun to have a place to share things I find interesting, and well, I've missed you all.

Now - on to what I found interesting to day.  I admittedly have a thing for books; one of my daughter's friends came over, and after seeing our shelves, asked how many books we have.  I had no idea, so for the fun of it, we started counting.  We got tired after a while and figured that there were probably over 3,000.  Yes, I have a book problem - but I find it goes so well with my tea problem!

So you'll understand when I say that I have a thing for old libraries (well, that, and the architecture of many old libraries is stunning).  So when the story of the oldest library in Britain came across my Facebook feed, I just had to share with fellow bibliophiles.  Enjoy!


  1. Yay, Lyana's posting!

    for the education of “the sons of honest, industrious and painful parents” That made me smile. What a fascinating place, I can almost smell the books! The photo of the chains in front of old manuscripts made me wonder if that was illustrative of the time it was a prison? Anyway, an unusual picture.

    We are a family of readers too, Lyana. When I was a teen, I remember my younger sister - she must have been around 10 at the time - sitting at the kitchen table, reading the phone book. I asked what she was doing and she said it was the only reading material she had at hand, lol.

    I read slower than I used to and almost exclusively when I turn in so there are times I only get through a dozen pages. Hard to finish books that way! Thank you for a very interesting post.

    1. Lol - that's a great story, florie! A regular complaint from our kids teachers is that they're reading when they're supposed to be doing other things (it's generally said with a chuckle - we've been fortunate to mostly have good teachers). Around here, I've occasionally found a child reading the dictionary, just for the fun of it.

  2. Two of my favorite libraries are the one at Highclere Castle (Downton Abbey) and the one at Saltram House (portrayed in my all-time favorite movie "Sense and Sensibility"). I wish I could have seen them in person, step up on that ladder and look for an old leather-bound copy of something or another :-) It's pretty cool that Cheltham's library is open to the public.

  3. Ooh, Lady Red. I hope you aren't going to regret this.

    Just kidding. It is wonderful to have you at the table again, Lyana. Have a cupa. I have missed the old friends.

    Considering we are only about 20 minutes from each other we REALLY ought to meet in person some time.

    1. LOL! I'll never regret it. Never, I tells ya!

      20 minutes? Oh my gosh, I'd LOVE to live 20 minutes from all of you!

    2. lol! Yes, we ought to, Matt. I've moved further west so I think it's more like 40 minutes now, but still... I'm out that way at least once a month. Maybe not until the fall, though. Getting a recent graduate ready to head off for 10 months is one of the more daunting things I've ever tackled. *sniff*

  4. What a wonderful post Lyana!

    The library holds more than 100,000 volumes of printed books, of which 60,000 were published before 1851. They include collections of 16th- and 17th-century printed works, periodicals, and journals, local history sources, broadsides, and ephemera.

    You could lock me in there and throw away the key. I would be blissfully content to spend the remainder of my days reading, touching, and smelling all the books at Cheltham. Heck, I could spend the remainder of my days in YOUR library! Over 3,000 books! WOW.

    1. No kidding! If I were ever to do a tour of the British isles, it would be Roman ruins and libraries.

      I started accumulating books when we moved out here - I was so annoyed by how little good stuff there was for kids in the public libraries, so I just started haunting thrift stores for titles I'd loved when I was a kid. Probably about half of the books are children/young adults.
