Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Special Little Snowflake Gets Schooled

Math 101


  1. Mush-brained progressive gimmedat losers.

  2. Love your headline, lady red. Perfect!

  3. I loved where she said that her family was on gov't benefits. Yeah, figures. Between these welfare losers (who should be down on their knees thanking their lucky stars that they're even IN college) and the rich-kid punks who have never had a callous in their pampered little lives (the Mizzou hunger-strike moron), my eyes are crossed trying to absorb so much utter stupidity,

  4. I hear ya, lady red. I can hardly stomach watching/reading any more about it (although I loved the segment with Cavuto). The up side is watching the progs eat their own.

  5. I know someone with whom, from time to time, the subject of real life comes up. His answer to everything: "I can't believe that."
