Sunday, April 20, 2014

May God Shower His Blessings Upon Us, One and All



  1. I'm thinking of you all on this beautiful spring morning.

    *thunk* *slosh* *ow*
    /toasting with coffee mugs

    1. Click on the "read more" for a dollop of humououour. :-)

    2. Now I must don ye olde scrubs and venture out into the wilds for a few hours. I thought about dressing for Easter...purple pants with green top? Erg. Blue pants with green top? Double erg. Gray pants with black top? On Easter?

      Okay, so much for that idea. lol

    3. I never actually thanked you for this lovely post (and the funny pictures :) ) Lady Red. I hope you had a lovely holiday.

  2. Happy Easter to all those celebrating and Happy what's left of Pesach to the MoTs amongst us. We're about to start the last (7th) day and I'm exhausted.

    We had our son, DIL + 5 kids for the Seder plus my younger daughter and hubby. And my parents as well for lunch the next day (14 in all). The kids were so sweet and stole the Afikoman with help from Grandpa (aka my other half) who had to practically give the matza to them to steal! :))

    After much Middle Eastern haggling it was decided they'd allow themselves to be bribed with a Playmobile set and give the matza back at the end of the meal. But they reneged!! What do they think they are? Palestinians?? :snort: Efrat (5) just shrugged and said "you can't have it, I'm going to bed". And she did! OK, it was 1 a.m. but still. Luckily we had plenty of matza left to use for the Afikoman.

    What is WITH kids these days? They can't even bribe and be corrupt properly! :D

    We went up to Jerusalem on Thursday afternoon and miraculously found no traffic jams! We visited the Bible exhibit and the Bible Lands museum and visited our machutonim (daughter's inlaws) who live in the Old City. You can see some pics on my blog.

    Meanwhile our son moved into his new house on Saturday night before Pesach. That would be the equivalent of moving house on Xmas Eve, only worse, because everyone is caught up in Pesach preparations at that stage (the 2nd night before Pesach). They moved out of a 50 sq. metre caravan (mobile home) into a 200 sq. meter 2-story house. It's just fabulous!

    I'll post pictures at some point.

    Meanwhile here's a funny photo for Pesach:


  3. A Joyous Easter to some and the remainder of a Joyous Passover to others!

  4. May you all be blessed by the significance of Passover and Easter and please accept my sincere thanks for being here.

  5. lady red, thanks for the wonderful post.

    Blessings to everyone!

  6. This picture of my son's youngest, Re'ut, who is exactly one year old, reminds me of the pictures you posted Lady Red. :)

    Her name means Friendship. She's so cute!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Oof. Trying again.


  9. Yay! It worked. And I don't think I updated you guys that my daughter had another boy (child no. 6 - 4 girls and now 2 boys) just 2 months ago. His name is Yishai Uri. Here he is in all his glory, a big, bouncing boy (weighed about 9 lbs at birth, probably about 1/2 ton right now.)


    1. Wow, that's one happy camper! How many grandchildren now Annie?

    2. 11 so far tfu tfu tfu. :) .My son has 5 girls. The eldest (his step-daughter) was batmitzvah in January. The next 4 are ages 5, 4, 3 and 1. He lives in a pink house. Literally! With all those girls everything around him is pink. And his new house is painted pink (well, peach really, but next to the grey and cream marble edifices next to them it looks pink). I said they should have a house-sign made saying The Pink House (as opposed to the White House). :-p

      The building of their house, in an eeevil settlement, was held up for nearly a year by the blasted "settlement freeze" demanded of Israel by the Unholy One (your Prez) and the unPresident Abbas. It was so frustrating whilst they were stuck in a tiny caravan (what you'd call a mobile home). But they persevered and they moved in on the night before Passover. They haven't finished moving yet, but they had enough to keep them going for the week of the festival, and now they're finishing up the move (plus still doing all the little finishing jobs in the house). I went to see them yesterday for the first time since they moved. I was so excited and emotional about it that I burst into tears. LOL.. The kids keep getting lost in the house because they're not used to so much room. :)

      My daughter has 6 kids now tfu tfu tfu. 4 girls and 2 boys, ages nearly 11, nearly 10, 8, 6, 3 and 2 months. They are incredibly noisy, messy and extremely funny. Such fun to be around them! Especially when I can say "goodbye" and go home at the end of the day. :D

      They had to buy a new car to accommodate the huge family, so they've got a van now, almost the size of a camper. They bought it while Hadassah was still pregnant and she couldn't try out the car till after the birth because her tummy got in the way - she couldn't get her seat near enough to the wheel so that her feet could reach the pedals!

    3. 11 Grandkids! How wonderful Annie! Yishai Uri sure looks like a happy little fellow! :))
