Friday, December 20, 2013

The Greatest Gift Of All

Dolly and Kenny:

Love this, they sing so well together.


  1. Kenny Rogers: worst concert EVER. I saw him at Northern Ariz. Univ. back in the eighties. He spent most of the show narrating a slideshow of his new baby. Ugh.

    That being said, I've always liked his voice. And Dolly is one of my all-time faves.

  2. Bummer, lady red! I guess the worst concert I saw was many moons ago, it was the Ragin' Cajun, Doug Kershaw. It was at a bar in Tukwila (a Seattle 'burb) and he was drunk as a skunk. Plus he didn't give a damn, it wasn't like appearing at a big venue. He couldn't finish a single song. I still love the guy's music though.

    Fay, I agree that Kenny and Dolly make a great duo, I adore Islands in the Stream. Kenny Rogers has special meaning for me because his song Through the Years, was my mom & dad's favorite song. It puts a lump in my throat because the last time I heard it was when all their grandkids sang it to them at their 50th anniversary party that we sibs threw for them in 1999. My dad had been failing for several years by then but he still realized it was their anniversary. It all brings up bittersweet memories. Good but sad as well. Sorry to go on so, must be the season. Anyway, thanks so much for posting all this lovely music, I've loved listening to it.

    1. So glad you are enjoying the music Florrie!

    2. Kenny and Dolly were one of my mother's favorites, too.

      Me, not so much, but it's nice to listen to and remember Christmas as it was back home - so yes, thanks Fay...

  3. Oh gosh ladies, sorry for whatever sadness Kenny caused!
