Saturday, October 5, 2013

There's Something in the Air

This song popped into my head for some reason.


  1. This would have been a great "name that band" question!

    I read the other day that the ObamaCare enrollment form requires bank account information. While I'm sure that the regime could scrape up this information from multiple sources (since they've got their dirty little fingers into everyone's pie) it gives me pause. Why would they need your bank account numbers and balances?

    Oh yeah! It's being administered by the cuddly teddy bears at the IRS. D'oh.

  2. This would have been a great "name that band" question!

    Yeah - thank god for wikipedia on that one. I plead an honest "that was before my time". Great tune though!

    I remember when "Question Authority" was the watchword. Back in Reagan's day. Good times.

    1. Ah, maybe the good old days of the 60's and 70's will be making a comeback... :P

  3. I think CCR said it better in 1969 - Bad Moon Arising Those were my days in the sun and rain and fire. Read the words (I used a link just to the music and the words) and see if we're far off today, literally. Few people realized how soldiers actually took to this music...anthems for a walk in the valley....don't get in our way.

  4. In our brave new world will be amazing things brought to us by DARPA...aka Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and Boston Dynamics. Check out "Wildcat" after you watch the Legged Support critter. What a place to work, eh? :D
