Monday, September 16, 2013

Multiple Fatalities in DC Shooting Rampage

I'm not sure what's going on, but it's not good:
DEVELOPING: At least 10 people have been shot — with multiple fatalities — at a Navy building in Washington by a gunman who was then killed but may not have acted alone, authorities said.
Shots were fired just after 8 a.m. at the Naval Sea Systems Command headquarters in southeast Washington, and in the ensuing hours there were conflicting reports on the number of victims and the number of gunmen, although a federal law enforcement official told Fox News that one shooter has died. Police said as many as two additional gunmen may still be at large, and thousands of workers who report to the building were being told to "shelter in place" until officials could safely evacuate them.

From the bulletins I've watched on multiple channels, the "journalists" have refrained (so far) from reporting wild rumors as fact. This could be another episode of "workplace violence" like Fort Hood, or it could be a disgruntled employee, or it could be...who knows.  I don't like Obama's politics, but it makes me nervous to have bad guys with guns running around so close to the White House.  I'd feel better if they put the President and his family on a chopper and whisked them to safety, especially since we have no idea how many bad guys are involved.


  1. Aridog, I sure would like to hear your analysis of this attack.

  2. I don't like the idea of the President being in danger, either, but I don't think we need to worry. It is only the little people who are in danger. The President is well protected by people who have all those weapons the elite do not want us to have.

    The government was quick to say that this was not a terrorist attack, which pretty well means you can rule out that this shooting was committed by someone from the Amish community. I read a description of (one of) the shooter(s), but I will wait for the administration to lie about it for a week before saying anything.

  3. I'm only listening to it with one ear while I'm working on a project. Last I heard was one black guy dressed in a green uniform, and one white guy dressed in a khaki uniform. Who knows if that's accurate. :/

  4. CNN is now reporting that at least 12 people are confirmed dead.

  5. Black, ex-navy. Media will drop the story ASAP.

  6. The useful idiots we call "the media" were praying it was a white, Tea Party & NRA member.

  7. Fox is reporting that the bad guy is a Buddhist. Really? A Buddhist on a shooting rampage?


    Matt, I'll see your Amish and raise you a Buddhist.

    Perhaps the other shooter is a Quaker.

    1. lr, I read the guy had been attending a Thai Buddhist temple. He spoke some Thai, and obviously felt somewhat comfortable there.

      Many troubled-but-more-or-less functional people make their social (and sometimes physical) homes around the margins of Buddhist temples (or nominally Hindu ashrams). Again, they feel comfortable there - the people at the temples, ordained and lay people, are pretty good about not making people feel uncomfortable. At least in my experience; I've not had any with this Thai sect.

      But I very much doubt his rampage had much to do with belief. It's not completely impossible; really ugly, nihilist exegesis of Buddhist cannon and tradition has been preached in the past, e.g. certain ordained Nichiren and Zen lineage holders in Imperial Japan. More recently the Aum Shinrikyo cult in Japan has Buddhist roots. I'd love nothing more than to say "oh yeah Buddhists are always peaceful", but zzzt wrong, not quite. That said, still really doubt the teachings of this temple had anything to do with this.

      And at the same time, doesn't surprise me that he was living on the margins of a Buddhist community. Desperately trying to find some peace, and failing. And taking 13 people with him. This one may be just a simple tragedy. Horribly violent and sad, but not somebody's operation or agenda.

    2. Thanks so much for your insight lewy; it makes more sense now.

      The progressives must be wetting their undies in glee as they regurgitate the gun-control meme.
