Sunday, September 15, 2013

Happy Sunday!

Today, I don't want to talk about what's happening on the world stage. I'm weary of politics, and weary of watching the news.

Today, it's a spectacular fall day in the Ozarks. The air has the crispness of autumn, and an orange/fiery red scent only September can bring. The green leaves bask in the sun and contemplate donning their annual brilliant wardrobe of spectacular color.

Today smells like the leather of a football being tossed in the yard, brats on a grill, hymns being sung in morning church services. The hummingbirds flit around the feeder, frantically waving their colorful wings for a final sip of nectar and a fare-thee-well until spring. The squirrels waddle to their nests with another nut, another bit of birdseed.

Today, the sky is the most glorious blue, a hue no painter has ever truly captured on canvas. Today, there is peace, and softness, and life. Ahhh......

Happy Sunday friends!


  1. Sounds like a perfect day. Enjoy :)

  2. I am not working today. We BBQ'd last night and Fay will be preparing her patented Roast Chicken™ dinner tonight. I do have to study for my big licensing exam next weekend, and I really ought to practice my bass (which I have not touched in a week). But all in all life is good.

  3. I really began to enjoy this time of year in earnest when... I'd graduated for good, and I didn't have to go back to school in the fall.

    Not quite autumn yet here in Portland. Massive thunderstorms this AM - rare. Unsettled weather, anticipating a big transition.
