Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Short Takes

-- Dan Balz, a political correspondent for the Washington Post, meaning a terrible writer who accepts as a given all cliches about American politics as a Beltway game while not having a very deep understanding at all of USG, actual politics or even the American people, is issuing a sure-to-be-acclaimed book about the 2012 Presidential Election.  I'm sure it will be terrible, but apprently in it, he speaks to the origin of the "Mitt" Romney campaign: a family retreat in Hawaii where his possible candidacy was discussed in depth by the whole clan.
When they polled the group in Hawaii, ten of the twelve family members voted no. Mitt Romney was one of those ten voting against another campaign. The only yes votes were from Ann Romney and Tagg Romney.
Them Fightin' Republicans!

--  I wonder, honestly so: Do my colleagues here who strongly disagreed with me that he was a sure loser and a terrible candidate have any second thoughts on the matter, now that the obvious has been so well documented? That it is now proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the former Governor of Massachusetts had not the slightest intention of running a real campaign?

I ask not to be snarky but because I was truly taken aback that so many people whose opinions I value highly saw in him something, while I saw something so completely different I was wondering if we were talking of the same...well, I was going to say "man" but I just can't bring myself to use the term in connection with that horrible blow-dryed thing.

--  Another year with a horrible General Manager I could take.  Another year with the Sedins playing catch and then skating slowly back to the bench I could take.  Another year with tell-tale empty seats in an officially sold out Rogers Arena I could take.  Watching the owner fly to Florida, because No. 1 and his precious wife won't live in a back-woods place like Vancouver, to apologize to a loser mental case who needs to take long walks in Stanley Park prior to a game "to get motivated" while a real goalie was traded away for nothing, all because said GM is a huge joke?  Reading stories daily about Luongo's "head space" and whether the rest of the team can "re-connect" with him?

Too much to take.

--  A gecko in the house is okay, not too intrusive and one gets to talk to it in a Cockney accent, a la Geico. Two geckos are all right, though sometimes their fast movement above your head or just to the side scares you even though you know they are there.  A bunch of baby geckos speeding around the kitchen, blurs of reptilian motion?

Also, too much to take.

--  The sun rises at around 4am and sets around 8pm. The high today is 109 and bright sunshine.  Ramadan will begin in a few days.  Everyone here assures me that no one will eat or drink even one drop of water beteen those two times, including the thousands of guards, police and soldiers standing watch at outside posts. Sounds legit.

--  It's July 3 and I have about 17 days left in jail before getting out of here for a much-needed R&R for three weeks.  I've learned to live without, learned to live with the power going off and on, learned to live without a scrap of decent food, and I've learned that one of the best places on Earth to be is on a wonderful Etihad flight leaving Islamabad.  Particularly if, as last time, the flight attendant is a playful young Colombiana who flirts with middle-aged diplomats while bringing them Scotch on the rocks disguised as coffee.

--  Everyone is talking about the S Ct Defense of Marriage Act case, which I refuse to get excited about since we've known for awhile here that we all live in King Kennedy's government.  But you know what really, really frosted my burkha?

I'll tell you what: that lame-ass, east coast Catholic Chief Justice who fucked with my state's proposition system.  In California we're well used to Federal judges shutting us down at 3am the next morning after we follow our history, our unique system and our beloved propositions and vote for something.  That's just run of the mill East Coast supremism.  We can shake that off.  But declaring this fundamental underpinning of *OUR* history fundamentally unlawful from his East Coast stick-up-the-ass chair?  At least with the Huge Dyke and the Wise Latina what you see is what you get.  This Roberts clown is worse than all the rest but together.  In fact, he kinda reminds me of "Mitt".

Also, also, too too too much to take.

--  I will be spending my three week R&R in the heart of a nationalistic, right-wing traditional part of the world where just becauses judges say something is so doesn't mean that the people there accept it.  In fact, they've been known to take to the streets in the hundreds of thousands to mock and jeer at these out-of-touch elites and declare their actions null and void.  Where religion still means something and church leaders can mobilize hundreds of thousands of youths into the streets to call for a return to tradition.

Yes, that's right. I'm going to France.

-- KevinV


  1. I don't recall that anyone here ever said they they were thrilled to pieces that Mitt Romney was nominated and that he was the best candidate. What I do recall is people saying that he was a decent man who was better than they expected him to be. Would we have preferred someone else? -- yes. I do not recall anyone saying that no one could have done better. For better or worse, he was who we had -- and he was not the pile of manure that we expected him to be. No matter who the candidate was, he still would have had to have dealt with the RINO establishment. Also, you must not forget the precincts with 100-140% voter turnout that all magically went with the Messiah. Mitt Romney was not John McCain by any stretch of the imagination. And who is doing this documenting? Members of the media who were tacitly campaigning for Obama anyway?

    --The NHL is a mess. How long will it be before Rogers Arena is not officially sold out? What is Bettmen going to do when Canadians get tired of paying through the nose to support their teams just to have a large cut of the money go south of the border to support the teams in American markets that have no real interest in the sport. Canadians are also going to grow weary of watching their players get mugged on the ice with few penalties called while players for Canadian teams get penalties for sneezing. There was an interesting comment in the National Post about a Chicago player who had been suspended: "You are not playing the Canucks. If you hit a player in the head you are likely going to be called for it." As for the Luongo situation: he plays well when he feels like it, which is about half the time. If he plays well and the team wins, it is because of Luongo. If he doesn't play well and the team loses, it's because the team does not support him. I expect New York (Vigneault) and Florida (Schneider) to get Lord Stanley's Cup before Vancouver does.

  2. "Where religion still means something and church leaders can mobilize hundreds of thousands of youths into the streets to call for a return to tradition."

    Trouble is that it is not church, but mosque, leaders who are mobilizing their youth, and the tradition they are upholding includes burkas, stoning and all those wonderful thing that make mohammedanism such a joyful thing

  3. Geez Kev, it sounds like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

    I don't recall any ardent Romney-lovin' here, but I think most of us hoped he would annihilate Obama. He seems like a decent man to me, but perhaps not tough enough to take on the nasty/razor-clawed progressives. It's not like we were presented with much of a choice.

    I don't think bashing the supremes for their religion/sexuality/ethnicity solves anything; it just alienates people. Like it or not, we are a multi-cultural nation. The majority of our founding fathers may have been protestant and Northern European, but since then we've had a waves of immigration that have shaped the direction of our nation. That's the fact of the matter. White protestants are a minority. All the name-calling in the world won't fix the mess we're in. If white protestants are the supposed brainiacs in the crowd, why have they given up steering the ship? Citizenship is something that should be engrained in a child from the time they're toddlers, regardless of what color they are or what church they attend. White protestants (who have by-and-large always held positions of power and influence) have let that simple necessity of national homogeny slip through their fingers. Now we're here.

    What are we gonna do about it? Moving to France is the last thing on my list. My family and I choose to stay here and fight, in the tradition of our forefathers. The people I stand with may be Catholic or Jewish, dark-skinned or light, gay or straight. I don't give a damn about that stuff. Being an American isn't about those things; it's about the concept of freedom and self-determination.

    Well, that's my two cents, for what it's worth.

    1. Very well said lady red. This is what I believe, and furthermore, this is how I was raised.

      The problem is, we're alone, and there's nobody behind us.

      The "progressive consensus" is an agenda for systematic racial trolling...

      ...the naive believers really are bent on eliminating "the patriarchy" and "white privilege" (chiefly as a way to stroke their own grotesquely outsized self righteous egos),

      ...but the cynical manipulators simply recognize "multiculturalism" as a way to enhance their own power and justify ever more central control.

      College administrators. Corporate HR departments. Local law enforcement. Every two bit petty fascist in 50 states loves this "diversity" sh*t to death because it makes them more important and allows them to lord it over the rest of us.

      Nothing is going to change this. The millennials are already either Little Red Guards eager to ditch all of the bill of rights in the name of "social justice", or completely marginalized and dropped out. Nobody has taught them the values you espose and nobody will. There is nothing in it for those who would be teachers.

      1) Free society,
      2) multiculturalism,
      3) immigration

      Pick any two.

      Is it any accident that institutional power in Washington (both D and R) is picking 2 and 3, making 1 impossible, and so justifying the continued erosion of freedom?

      Lady red as a moral sentiment I think your correct and laudable but as a political platform... it's not supportable any more. I can't find any that are. I think we're done for here and some very serious authoritarianism is coming - at least for the productive classes. The powers that be are saying: You can think what you like and you can say what you like and you can even have your guns and religion - but your children will have no future if they think like you. I follow the software world; the last few ideological holdouts are being hammered down. You won't be able to hold a job at the cutting edge if you don't bow down and at the very least keep your mouth shut. You won't get the funding and connections you need to start a company if you don't actively speak up and support the progressive program. This is where we're at and it will get worse, and it will hold across ever profession actually necessary for technological advance.

      This is Fascism 2.0 - distributed, resilient, self replicating, self-policing, and permanently entrenched. And present, in one form or another, in every developed country in the world. There is dialog, and there are differences, but there is a sharp distinction between those who "get it", and are on the inside, vs the outsiders.

      And the outsiders - the dissidents - I see that they have business models, not movements. (Because I've been trained to recognize web content business models for what they are by the most extreme discipline available - making decisions about investing in them.)

      If this sounds all very discouraging, well, sorry... what I mean to say is that we're well past the Rubicon; if there is a way out it will not be along the path of electing people who will set things right. The entrenched power spans government bureaucracy, corporate production, finance, education, the legal profession, non-profits... is quite beyond the scope of any Republic to reform.

    2. Lady Red, your two cents are worth a million.

    3. I agree with your assessment of things lewy. You have a wonderful way with words, and getting to the crux of matters!

      If this sounds all very discouraging, well, sorry... what I mean to say is that we're well past the Rubicon; if there is a way out it will not be along the path of electing people who will set things right. The entrenched power spans government bureaucracy, corporate production, finance, education, the legal profession, non-profits... is quite beyond the scope of any Republic to reform.

      Yep. I know we're well past the Rubicon. I have no illusions that electing a new slate of politicians will do anything to restore our Republic. My thinking (and plans) have evolved into a micro-mindset. Noah and I are prepared to hunker down in our neck of the woods, and let the libs and their indentured servants reap what they've sown.

      I'm not as compassionate as Beck et al. I have no intention of sharing my stores or survival talents with the progressive/union/welfare lot. Eff them all. :D

    4. Matt and Fay -

      I'm tempted to say that any day one wakes up in bed and that bed is in Pakistan, one has woken up on the wrong side of the bed regardless of which side actually rolled off of.

      But, it has to be admitted that I have over the course of the past few months moved from disgruntled to disgusted to mad to white hot rage. This is showing through in just about everything in my life, not the least of which here at work, where I have just been called to the Ambassador's office to discuss my bad attitude after I responded quite unprofessionally to a supervisor's suggestion that I refuse too many Pakistanis for visas.

      So, you're right, I'm pissed. Like, irrational pissed.

      As for the name calling, well, you can take the boy out of the punk movement but you can't take the punk out of the boy.

      A LONG time ago I was talking with some members of a far-left British punk band who had recorded a song about Thatcher that just pretty much consisted of very obsence comments about her.

      I asked: this isn't really an arugment, you're just cussing and saying bad words, this isn't going to convince anyone, what's the point.

      He replied (as best as I can remember):

      Yeah, wot yoo say is right, no doubt about it. But when you've seen yer hometown destroyed and the people and the place you love disgarded as yesterday's rubbish and the powerful people responsible for this are just walking up and down their stage without even being challenged for doing this, well, sometimes all you can do is yell fuck you you fucking fucker just as fucking loud as you can. Yer right, won't change anything, but I bloody well feel better.

      That pretty much explains my rude comments above.

      With regard to Romney, we will simply have to drop it and agree to disagree. How you both can continue to characterize this man as "good" when he both bought a nomination he had no intention of fighting for and that he actively and clearly despised every conservative principle you both hold dear, I have no idea. But, it's your call and I'm not going to convince you otherwise, especially given that with my mood where it is I'm not convincing anyone of anything.

      The only good news of late is that after all these years, I have finally received my British Passport and am now officially one of Her Brittanic Majesty's newest subjects. Now, if I can just afford a nice Kent cottage with easy access to France....

    5. Not sure why you are addressing me as I haven't posted on this thread (until now).

  4. Bless you, lady red.



    1. Awww, thanks florrie! You too Matt! *smooches*

  5. Lewy's comment above is so spot on it should be etched in marble and sent to everybody in the land. Unfortunately, there is no turning back at this point. There will be a fight, sooner or later.
