Wednesday, July 3, 2013

My Country, Twas of Thee

My country, twas of thee, land of lost liberty,
Of thee I sang.
Where once was pilgrim's pride,
Where those dreams now have died,
From every town and countryside,
Let sorrow ring.

My native country, thee, once land of noble free,
Thy name I love.
Land that was once our own.
Where tyranny, now grown.
Controls our lives.
Where we did once breathe free,
Now we must bend our knee.
From every place that once was free,
Let anger ring!

Our Father, God, to Thee,
Hear now our prayers, as we,
Prepare to stand.
For our true liberty,
Given our Lord, by Thee,
Bought with our blood and energy,
For all of time.

Let our brave hearts awake,
For all our futures sake.
From every place that freedom lives,
Let rebellion ring!

My country, tis of thee, soon again to be free,
With toil and pain.
Patriots blood will buy,
Freedoms we'll then hold high,
In every town and countryside,
Freedom will ring!