Monday, November 29, 2010

A Little Humo(u)rous Reading

I just could not pass this one up.

I wonder how many views Tiny Chartreuse Pigskins gets these days. Probably not many, since 3/4 of the US population have been banned.

HT Weasel Zippers.


  1. I peek in on weenie green penises occasionally, when I'm in the mood for comic books, great Amazon deals, and canned moonbattery. There's no place like it! ;)

  2. ^^^ Maureen Dowd would have a ball editing and excerpting that quote...

  3. OMG!! It's the TEA PARTY that is responsible for the leaked docs!

    How did I miss that one....

  4. I try to NEVER go there. When I log on it still makes me feel slightly ill due to the way they treated Z & E and all the rest of us at DL.

  5. Ahhahahahahahaha! Speaking of penises, I'm watching Bob Beckel rant right now about how those poopy-head Saudis are trying to make us do their dirty work by taking out Iran for them.

    Which I would agree with, except I'm not really sure S.A. is able to take out Iran on their own. So, um, maybe Beckel should stop talking just to hear himself try to sound smart.

    Because it doesn't work.
