Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Jordan's comments on Wikileaks

Folks, Jordan's wicked busy right this moment but asked me to post his brief comments on l'affaire J-Ass...

As an FSO, these leaks are of more than academic interest to me. While I am too busy to share my full thoughts on the matter just at the moment, I wanted to update all on two of the major points:

1) This is a serious blow to the Department and to our ability to do our day to day jobs. If people won't speak to us candidly, not only do we lose here out at post, but we are unable to feed straight information to Washington, which is where policy is made. To illustrate the state we're in, imagine a magical world where ALL of the NY Times and WaPo's sources and quotes for the past 10 years were on a website. How would their reporters do their jobs? That's what we are; political officers like me are basically official reporters as well as negotiators. Whatever you think of current policy, or of State, the United States was and is severely damaged by these leaks.

2) One positive side effect, however, that I've already noticed is that people are picking up what I've been saying for years: the USG is a remarkably straight-shooter for a nation-state. What we say in public and what we say in private, as well as what we report in public about private meetings, is pretty much the same thing. I happen to beleive that we play it too straight, and get our asses handed to us from time to time as a result, but any fair reading of these documents could lead one to conclude only, whatever your view of substantive policy, that the USG is honest and straight-forward.


  1. I've been wondering what Jourdan thinks of all the J-Ass drama, but knew he'd be a VERY busy FSO because of it.

    Jourdan, when you have time I'd love to know if you believe that a single army private had access to this much sensitive diplomatic information (if you can. I realize that some things are classified).

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts and observations, and lewy, thanks for posting them.

  2. l'affaire J-Ass

    LOL! Lewy, you have such a way with words. I love that!

  3. Ruh roh. J-Ass may be able to humiliate our dainty, limp-wristed president with impunity, but the Assman is about to bite off more than he can chew:

    "As U.S. officials struggle to control damage from the secret cables, Russia is planning to block a similar dump about the Kremlin. And they will be ruthless."

    Jules doesn't even qualify as a morning workout for Shirtless Putin. Will he use his deadly Man Hands Of Steel? A finely honed Kizlyar? A length of piano wire? Or will he simply give him the Putin Death Stare?

    Whichever method he chooses, I hope there's pictures.

  4. Very good points about this supercilious snot, lady red. This is one situation in which I very sincerely hope that Russia does indeed protect her own interests in her own unique way.

  5. Ruh roh. J-Ass may be able to humiliate our dainty, limp-wristed president with impunity, but the Assman is about to bite off more than he can chew:

    "As U.S. officials struggle to control damage from the secret cables, Russia is planning to block a similar dump about the Kremlin. And they will be ruthless."

    Jules doesn't even qualify as a morning workout for Shirtless Putin. Will he use his deadly Man Hands Of Steel? A finely honed Kizlyar? A length of piano wire? Or will he simply give him the Putin Death Stare?

    Whichever method he chooses, I hope there's pictures.

    Post of the week.

  6. Yay! Pictures of Shirtless Putin! BONUS! Going Luca Brasi on J-Ass,'s ummm, ass.

    I sense a cottage industry emerging from the bowels of Cafe Press...

  7. And if I EVER met Putin (for some weird reason - like a Victims of Russian Mother-in-Laws convention or something), I'd totally ask him to take his picture off to pose with me.

    And I have no doubt he'd not find the request insulting at all. No. Doubt.

  8. And if I EVER met Putin...

    Of all the people I know, you are definitely the mostly likely to not only meet Putin, but to also get a photo with Shirtless Putin.

    In fact, you're the only person I know who could do it.
