Thursday, May 30, 2013

Heaven Help Baby Bodhi

Read it and weep.

Or laugh.

Or both.


  1. The comments are priceless also.

  2. The couple traveled over 4,500 miles in the hopes of welcoming baby Bodhi into the world during a dolphin-assisted birth in Pohoa, Hawaii.

    Traveling and living in harmony with the earth is a way of life for this couple.

    So I guess they walked to the west coast and swam? paddled? rowed? rafted? to Hawaii?

    1. They travelled to the West Coast on a grass-fuelled organic goat and then were taken to Hawaii on the backs of the King and Queen of Dolphins. Duh.

      (Also, btw, per state law and U.S. Government regulations, "Hawaii" no longer exists. The name of the state is "Hawai'i"

    2. Also, GO KINGS

    3. It's not "Hawai'i", it's Hawaiʻi.

      That's no ordinary apostrophe there, it's an ʻokina.

      Apparently government spelling is somewhat mixed.

      What's wild is that the okina is itself a construct introduced by western linguists.

  3. Love Iginlia, would love him to win Lord Stanley's Cup.

    1. too. Well, let's just see who gets into the Finals. We may not have a conflict here.

  4. "grass-fuelled organic goat"

    I was wondering what that thing was in the foreground of the photo.

    1. *snort*

      You know, I *visited* Cal before attending and *saw* that the girls looked like that and I *still* went there and not, say, Arizona State.

      Stupid Past-Kevin! Stooooopid!

  5. "Also, btw, per state law and U.S. Government regulations, "Hawaii" no longer exists. The name of the state is "Hawai'i""

    So it's pronounced Ha wi ee ee?

    Reminds me of when BC officially changed the name of the Queen Charlotte Islands (named after a dead, white, Queen who had been married to a dead, white, King) to Haida Gwaii.

    And then someone proposed changing the name of Stanley Park (speaking of Lord Stanley) to Xwayxway...

    1. Xwayxway totally sounds like a porn tube site.

    2. LOL lewy, apparently it is pronounced qwai qway. So,
      you may still have a point ;)

    3. Stanley Park wisely snagged the domain name.

      I was ready for anything, though. :P

    4. Actually, Xwayxway is nothin'...

      Try Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg.

      Otherwise known as Lake Webster.

    5. One thing about these names... they speak to a pre-literate culture.

      Because any culture which had a written language would have shortened the damned names because the scribes would have cramped themselves from their wrists clear down to their butts. Not to mention run out of ink.

      Even as late as the 1970s, when the first versions of Unix were written... did we have console commands like "list-all-the-files-in-the-folder" or "change-directory"?

      No, we had (and still have) "ls" and "cd" and "mkdir" and whatnot... it's like they had to pay for vowels or something.

      Actually they did; memory was crazy expensive and consoles had these gnarly keyboards with keys that were crazy heavy. Which is basically why computer code looks like crytptic gibberish.

      Nowadays we have a trilllion bytes for thirty bucks and can blow 4 bytes per character to encode Swahili and Polynesian and Chinese and still have plenty of room to stream Netflix. So computers have caught up to pre-literate culture.

    6. Which all goes to prove that the Jews were literate from the start - since Hebrew is written without vowels. It makes for some entertaining mistakes occasionally though.

      For example:

      Halachti bashvil hagan means I walked on the garden path
      Halacti bishvil hagan means I walked on behalf of the garden.

      But you won't see the "a" or "i" sound in the sentence. You just have to understand from the context. Both sentences look identical:
      הלכתי בשביל הגן

      Another e.g.

      "Kuhlev echad" means "as with one heart" (i.e. in unison)
      "Kelev echad" means one dog.

      Again both phrases look the same: כלב אחד


      Now you know where Jewish humour originated. :))

    7. Hmm..Hebrew too, eh? Okay, so Farsi, Urdu and Hebrew. Any other language not written with vowels?

  6. I was delivered by a dolphin and manatee and turned out fine. Pass the krill please.

    1. Stork brought me. Ol' skool.

    2. I was found under a rock. Mama told me so.

