Thursday, April 18, 2013

The GOP Must Evolve Or Die

So says Rand Paul.

Posted without comment except to say it's worth a read.


  1. We need to purge the RINOs. As Paul (and many others) said, why would anyone vote Republican if the GOP were to become a Democrat Light? The GOP always does better when it runs on strong conservative campaign -- not when it wimps out.

  2. To be white in America is to have the privilege of being able to define one's political identity in terms of one's own superiority, whether real or imagined, over other members of one's own race. - James Taranto

    1. Substitute "liberal" for "white" and Taranto nails the progressive mindset.

  3. I've grown to like Rand Paul, and he's correct. If the cigar-chompin' good ol' boys aren't excised from the GOP, it will die a horrible death. The death rattle became even more pronounced when McRino voted for gun control the other day.

    My own senator, Mark Pryor (D), licked his finger, stuck in the Arkansas wind, and voted against. He's up for reelection in 2014.
