Saturday, April 13, 2013

She Doesn't Know How Good She Is

For the past couple of years I have made a post about American Idol. Last year I wrote about how the judges were pimping for 1)  a girl who was unworthy of such praise and 2) a young man who would be good if the judges were not feeding him full of the wrong directions.

This year, of course, there is a contestant who sound like a gazillion other Mariah Carey/Celine Dionne want-to-bes. Of course, the judges are pimping for her.

However, there is also a contestant who sounds like a well-experienced and well trained Chanteuse. Her name is Candice Glover. She is meek. She is mild. But, oh, does she know how to sing.

After this performance Randy Jackson said that was one of the best performances in twelve years of American Idol

I agree. No question about it.


  1. Impressive. Also impressive is Mariah Carey's obvious and generous acknowledgement of Candice's talent.

  2. She's very good.

    We quit watching AI after the Dave Matthews karaoke singer won it all a year or two ago. I like Mariah but the other new woman judge seems icky and creepy. Oh well, that's just me ;-) I sound like my parents when they'd complain about the volume of my Zep playing on dad's turntable, lol.

  3. We were going to give it a pass this year, too, but we started watching towards the end of the elimination rounds. I don't think we watched any of the auditions.

    They really wanted a girl to win this year. As a matter of fact, all of the guys have been eliminated already and none of the girls have been. Some of the best talent we have ever seen on the show is represented in the girls this year. The weakest one is the one they are pimping: the is all cutesy and pre-fab. I would hate to see her win considering the powerhouse they have in Candace Glover. I get chills down my spine listening to her.

  4. Well, that sounds like a good recommendation to watch the rest of it, Matt.

    Yes, the "auditions" have become predictable and contrived, but sounds like the remaining talent is definitely worth watching. I'll just mute the judges :-)

    1. And then there's Keith Urban...very easy on the eyes :)

  5. But...but...BUT...Beyonce' and Jay-Z have been to CUBA! Who is this "Candice Glover" person to interlope on important NEWS? Pay attention, people. Your dear leaders make news and rules, because shut up!

  6. Our TV is rarely on these days. The programming is awful, and the "news" is a running soap opera. We're thinking of cancelling DISH entirely; I can think of better ways to spend that eighty bucks a and plants! Or fishing tackle! :D

    I will listen to this video though; you all always post the good stuff. :)

  7. WOW. She is THAT good! Thanks for posting this Matt. I love her voice!
