Friday, February 22, 2013

Government By Freakout

Oh my. Check out this jaw-dropping article at the WSJ:

And then you remind yourself why. Because Mr. Obama thrives in chaos. He flourishes in unsettled circumstances and grooves on his own calm. He spins an air of calamity, points fingers and garners support. His only opponent is a hapless, hydra-headed House. America has a weakness for winners, and Republicans just now do not look like winners. They have many voices but no real voice, and no one saying anything that makes you stop and think. Mr. Obama, on the other hand, is a singular character who tells you in measured tones that we must have measured answers. Half the country finds his politics to be too much to one side, but his temperament is not extreme and he often looks reasonable. With this gift he ties his foes in knots to get what he wants, which is higher taxes. He wants the rich to pay more and those he judges to be in need to receive more. End of story. Debt and deficits don't interest him, except to the extent he must give them lip service.

The author may surprise you. This is well worth a careful read; you can find it here.


  1. El Rushbo weighs in:

    It is the same threats. It's the same danger. It's the same crisis. It's identical. There's nothing about it that changes, over and over. And everybody gets sucked into it. I try to escape, I try to get out of it, I try to leave it aside, I try to move on, but it just sucks me back in, too, until I realize that I have been sucked back in. And then there's a part of me that says, "Well, wait a minute now." You got not just Panetta, but now a uniformed military general, General Odierno, saying that he could lose 600,000 uniformed people, and the common sense of this doesn't add up. Now we've got a guy comparing this to the Oklahoma City bombing.

  2. 0bama Little screams 'The Sky Is Falling!' (and it's all those dang Republicans fault, too)
