Saturday, February 23, 2013

First Lady (although I'm not sure the word "Lady" is entirely appropriate)

Cringe worthy.  I'm astonished that the wife of the leader of the free world could even remotely think this is acceptable.


  1. Well... there's no accounting for taste, I suppose... mine, for instance... 'cause actually, she's pretty good, IMHO!

    She's just part of the culture. You could argue the whole culture is cringeworthy (and you'd certainly have a point) but she's pretty middle-of-the-road as things go these days, I think.

  2. I don't know when we morphed into a society that demands our President and First Lady be "cool" rather than dignified. Maybe when Clinton played his sax on Carson?

    To me, this video is lowbrow, but it may be because I intensely dislike Michelle Obama. IMHO, she's an ungrateful, bitter wretch. She has the power and the pulpit to uplift not just black Americans, but ALL Americans. Instead she sneers and whines. She chooses NOT to be enlightened by the fine education our country provided her. She chooses hate over love, and division over unity.

    I could easily overlook her lack of class, style, and grace if she possessed a good heart and a giving spirit. She doesn't.

    1. Next time I'll tell you how I REALLY feel! :))

      I know I should be more charitable, but the enormous opportunity she's squandering really gets my dander up.

    2. lr I think you're right about Clinton playing the sax... on the other hand, maybe the dignity thing was always a myth?

      Here's Dwight Eisenhower at his inaugural, getting roped by a cowboy. Cowboy's were really big in pop culture right then. Where's the dignity in that? And it was his inaugural!

      I would argue that dignity is overrated; perhaps it's better that our politicians are just people like us.

      Well, not quite like us. I agree pretty much 100% with your assessment of FLOTUS's politics. If she's antagonistic to the culture and the traditions of the Republic, I'll call her out. The fact that I intensely dislike her politics doesn't affect my opinion of her dance moves (pretty good!)...

      ...and vice versa: Oh look at Michele bust some moves! How could you not love her! Very, very easily. Weak and stupid people are swayed by how "cool" their politicians act.

      It's important to stay supple, mentally, and not get swayed by self-confirming biases.

      Of course, like I said above, there's no accounting for taste, and not everyone has to like the way Michele Obama dances.

    3. Sigh. I really do know where apostrophes belong and where they don't, I just don't proof-read everything I post.

    4. Theres nothing wrong with your apostrophe's! And I love the photo Of DDE with the cowboy's...

      /ducking and running

  3. It has nothing to do with how she dances lewy, and everything to do with her behaviour. I hold her to a higher standard of decorum and sense of propriety than the z list celebrities we are inundated with everyday.

    I view her actions as demeaning to the position she holds, is that wrong of me, maybe, but that's the way I am.

    A very dear friend and mentor of my sister used to say "always be gracious" and we try to, every day.

    1. You've got a point Fay, and Laura Bush certainly had more decorum. As did Hillary Clinton, for that matter - more than Bill. (Hell, Socks the Cat had more decorum than Bill).

      It's just that for me, dancing on TV is way down the list of things that bug me about FLOTUS.

    2. I hear you lewy. I think it's my "Britishness" that places so much value on manners and behaviour and decorum and graciousness.

      Might have something to do with that "stiff upper lip".
      And the era I grew up in.

  4. Replies
    1. Rocky!! I must, however, take issue with the camera work here. Should be MUCH more time given to close-ups.

  5. Raquel Welch!

    Eat you heart out (not a) Lady Gag Gag.
