Friday, February 15, 2013

Bear Still Carries Swords, Now Rattles Them

A few hours before the SOTU speech, Russian Bear Bombers, possibly armed with nuclear cruise missiles, circled the US Airforce Base on the island of Guam.

In what I am sure is totally unrelated news, the 0bama budget sequestration is putting approximately 1800 Air Force personnel on forced furlough.


  1. Not only Air Force personnel being affected, there are also two aircraft carrierswhich are, or soon will be, out of service for an unknown time.

  2. But he wants to take our guns away.

  3. The military is being openly and systematically downsized and dismantled. The Russians aren't stupid; why not flex their muscles?, I mean an effete NWO ideologue, living and ruling in a fantasy realm, surrounded by idiots. The Russians, Chinese, Norks, and Iranians have nothing to fear. They're sharpening their knives while the erstwhile "leader of the free world" practices his golf swing.
