Monday, January 21, 2013

Open Letter From Utah Sheriff's Association

Taking it another step beyond even Texas, the Utah Sheriff's Association has sent this letter to the White House.

Even though they mis-interpret the source of the right of self-defense, it is apparent that they got the rest correct.

The final sentence is chilling:

"...We, like you, swore a solemn oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the
United States, and we are prepared to trade our lives for the preservation of its traditional interpretation."


  1. In my buzzing this morning, I noted an interesting item, in light of more states and local law enforcement declaring their refusal to allow enforcement of anti-constitutional (as opposed to merely un-constitutional) firearms control laws.

    The massive buy-up of ammunition by the feds over the last year has made it increasingly difficult for not only civilian shooters, but for Law Enforcement organizations to secure enough to allow for practice, as well as carry use.

    I wondered at the reports that most of the more than 1 billion rounds bought or contracted for were in such currently-popular police calibers as 9mm and .40S&W.

    It seems the feds would not want local law enforcement agencies to be short on ammunition, unless they foresaw that those would be the first line against them in their drive toward confiscation, after the forced registration is completed.

    1. I have a hunch that Utah is one of the states conservatives may choose to gather and coalesce, along with Texas and Idaho. I'm heartened to see them throwing the gauntlet at Washington and standing their ground.

      I wonder how many ammo manufacturers will spring up, either legit or black market, now that the gov't has depleted stocks and nervous gun owners have emptied store shelves?

  2. Replies
    1. DWT, I hope you can open my above link. It's a PDF.

  3. I tried, Lady Red, but as usual my PC just dumps me into the wrong place.

    But I squinted enough to read and search for the name of the Sheriff, so - Open Letter From Sheriff Charles Heiss

    This site shows other sheriffs in Colorado, Kentucky and Alabama have spoken out or sent letters, in addition to the ones we already knew of.

  4. The link to the Kentucky Sheriff is moving. He is speaking to a group of people about why he will not honor or assist in the confiscation of guns:

    "...our forefathers made that very clear...I would be ashamed if one of them was in this room right now...all those people who gave their lives to have this right for us, and we just give it up so flippantly..."

  5. Wow, did you all see this tidbit?

    "I have just been informed by a former senior military leader that Obama is using a new “litmus test” in determining who will stay and who must go in his military leaders. Get ready to explode folks. “The new litmus test of leadership in the military is if they will fire on US citizens or not.” Those who will not are being removed."

  6. If these folks resist, they will be crushed. USG may not be able to beat ragtag Pashtun tribesmen, because its heart really isn't in it, but you can be damn sure they can kill backwards conservative wreckers from good-for-nothing red states.

    Again, (I know, I know, broken record) it is better that the arrogant elites wage war on my people and our ancient liberties now, while we are still in large numbers.

    1. Exactly the same as Iraq.

      They don't hate redneck politics and religion, it's the oil they're after.

      No blood for (shale) oil!

      [n.b. there's many levels of sarcasm in here...]
